MovieChat Forums > Bondage Discussion > Eric Allen Bell

Eric Allen Bell

I am the Director, Writer and Producer of BONDAGE.

The film was financed in large part by Scott Creedon.

His wife filed for divorce and won the rights to the film. She used the opportunity to write the film off as a loss instead of taking the distribution deal that was on the table from the same guy that distributed SUPER SIZE ME.

Mr. Creedon passed away that same year.

All attempts I have made to persuade the former Mrs. Creedon to please allow my film to be distributed have been ignored.

The Creedons were very wealthy backers of both the first and 2nd Bush campaign. They helped him get elected. They even got to visit him and get their pictures taken.

So is it any surprise that a supporter of a blood bath in Iraq would not support the release of an anti-establishment movie such as BONDAGE?

It's not going to get released. The former Mrs. Creedon has million of dollars. I do not. I don't stand a chance of getting the rights to my own movie back in court. Time to move on.

Eric Allen Bell


Wow, what a letdown. All that effort put into a movie wasted.


Greed, Incorporated.

The backers of my film also backed the candidacy of George W. Bush. Big surprise they would stab me in the back.


Hi Eric

Is there anywhere us fans can send her our dislike of her decision - This absolutely bites the big one. I've been hanging for three years and now will never see this film.


So, I guess we can chock that evil up to George W. Bush also. My Goodness, what a strong influence that man does have. He was responsible for the World Trade Center being destroyed, for hurricane Katrina and sadly, for specific films never seeing the light of day. WoW!

Whither goest thou, America, In thy shiny car in the night? ~ Jack Kerouac


You forgot about "The Franklin Cover-up". Look into it.


So if I understand correctly, just because that Mrs. Creedon didn't like her boyfriend not lifting the toilet seat when he pees, she doesn't distribute that movie ?
Way to go...




Curious what changed to allow a director's cut?


The current "Director's Cut" of Bondage, which I found uploaded onto a streaming video site (no, I did not put it there) has been made available now on Vimeo. The availability of that Director's Cut of the movie is NOT something that is being exploited commercially. Therefore there is no foul play here. My work is simply being shared, free of charge, for artistic purposes and not for financial gain.
