
Does anyone have any updates as far as distributors for the movie yet?



I dunno, but I hope it comes to Australia, preferably sooner rather than later.


Just checking to see if there is any new news on distributors???


I think Lions Gate picked it up.


This is awesome if it's true. I have been scouring the trades for info every day, and I am so looking forward to telling all my friends and family about this.

Thanks for posting!


Wow! I really hope that it happens! I can't wait to see it again!


There will be a screening just for distributors in LA sometime in December. There is interest from a number of them, but I cut some scenes in the movie and made some changes - so we took it off the market. In December it will be available for bid and we will keep you all posted as to its progress out there. Hopefully we'll get this thing in theaters some time next year.
