MovieChat Forums > Bondage Discussion > amazing weird day....because of this mov...

amazing weird day....because of this movie

weirdest thing happened to me because of this movie. i think this movie anyway. got me writing again. i was in so cal from SF seeing some people and was supposed to meet up with my ex in this little coffee shop in long beach of all ghetto as they say gay ghettos are always my favorite. there's no place to sit so i end up at a table with this girl, 24, 25 at most so shes young innocent sort of but theres this strength about her. i notice her right away because theres something really different about her-like you've never seen this woman before and you never will again. she's got these eyes theyr'e piercing blue and she looks at me for a second when i sit at her table and nods and smiles a little ans goes babck to writing on what looks like essays, in this olkd fashioned pen. so anyway i sit there for a long time waiting for my ex and this girl at the table is writing on her papers really calmly and there's these old old men going by her saying hi and she knows all of them and even thought this old homeless guy comes up to her smelling like hell she stops what she's doing and calls him by NAME-don how are you she says---and gives this stinking old man a hug and he looks like it means so much to him he's going to cry or something. and i'm thinking to myself jules whats wrong with you? because i feel like i cant stop staring at this girl and then she glances up at me absentmindedly and then it happenes---just stares at my tits and i'm like, allright now good and i don't say anything just look at these eyes i'm telling you could cut through you and then i realize she's not lookng at my tits she's looking at my t shirt and she says in this weird voice BONDAGE? and looks like shes seena ghost. so i tell her about it, this long story about myfriends movie and thank god my ex was as usual late, and the girl is listening and nodding and when i tell her my friend is making a movie with this title she tells me its not a good idea because theres another one coming out soon called bondage and i ask her how she knowsand is she sure, and she says an old friend of hers wrote it and shes sure and i ask her more about it but she says itsnot out yet and she doesn't know if its "appropriate" to talk about it until its released and she says its going to be good, really good, that's all she'll say but her eyes get weirder and more spooked like she's seeing ghosts everywhere and there's this like----like fragility about her all of a sudden and i say you have a beautiful mouth when youlook sad and she just looks down and thenshe looks upb and says thanks and smiles in this way thatwould break a million hearts if somebody could ever catch it on camera and then she seems like she wants to change the subject and she asks what i do and i tell her about it and when i tell her how i feel like i've got myself in a hole and i haven't written for 8months she says all this randomstuff out off the blue and the weirdest thing is everything she's saying makes total sense and it starts to make sense like REALLY MAKE SENSE and i tell her so and she says in this unbelieveably kind wise way, i'm glad. and then my ex gets there and i want to tell the girl not to go but she gets up and takes my hand in hers for a second and tells me "it is going to be okay" and i'm not sure if she means my writing orsomething else and i want to tell her thank you and to be honestget hernumber but i wait to long because she's gone really fast out the door and my ex is going on about trafficand i look out the window and the girl is out there putting her papers in a bag over her hip getting on a purple bike with a basketone of those big beach cruzers but she's just sitting there like shes lost in thought and somethingabout it really gets to me. she loolks off into the distance- i know it sounds filmic but thats how it happened-- and istart to go out to saysomething to her and shes gone byt the time i get through all the PPL getting there soy lattes. its been over a week and im back home now and ive been writing again and if you asked me to repeat what shesaid and did that fixed me i coudln't do it, but here i am writing and i wishi could find her again but some crazy part of me tells me i made the whole thing up she's not real. is she? iguess i owe thanks to this movie that i need to see now because it made her stop and lookat my shirt and me and say what she did. and everything changed. true story.i think.
how can i see this film? might reveal something to me.about the girl my writing or.....i don't know. i justknow i need to see it. anything you can tell me would help.



Go to Eric Allen Bell's imdb message board to the section called "A Message to Eric..." and see if he knows her.


I do know her. Haven't spoken to her in a long time, but I know exactly who she is talking about.

The woman in question is actually a university professor who teaches creative writing and was my major sounding board in writng the script to BONDAGE.

Anyone ever read a book by Carl Jung called, "Synchronicity: An Acausal Principal" ?


Just curious, did you ever see this woman again?

