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CA has worst Juvenile Corrections system in the Nation

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California has the most violent and abusive Juvenile Correctional system in the entire country. This movie exposes it.


Yeah I know. They are averaging like one child death every year in Juvenile Hall. A lot of those kids don't even belong in there.


All the American ones are pretty bad.

In Florida though, heaps of children are "tried as an adult", even those as young as 12/13, and most of them don't even end up with the Department of Juvenile Justice, they go to adult prisons it seems.


Which famous writer was it who said, "You can tell how civilized a society is by the conditions of its prisons?"


I have heard that quote but I can't remember who said it! (Unless it's unattributed?) It wasn't Oscar Wilde, was it? Actually I think it might have been a politician like Churchill or someone.

Is this a test or do you want to know?

Speaking on that theme though, in the book "Catch Me If You Can" (true story), the protagonist goes to several prisons including US, Sweden and France (in the 60s). It's so interesting to read about the differences between French and Swedish prisons.


California is the 8th largest economy in the WORLD. The US is the biggest, richest and (supposedly) freest country in the world.

The way we treat our children (our future) is self destructive.

We are in not invincible.


I find the US juvenile system disturbing. Here in Australia juveniles are not allowed to be named - but photos of charged (not even convicted) children appear all over the news and internet in the US! That's just one point...


We have over 2 million people incarcerated here in the United States. That's more per capita than any other country in the world.

There are almost no programs in place for rehabilitation.

An astounding number of people in prisons are there for drug-related charges. Again, this is our system of helping people?

Lastly, here in California, the 2nd largest contributor to political campaigns are lobbyists for the privately run prison industry. A few years ago, a law was passed called "3 Strikes You're Out" - meaning that after 3 felonies one remains in prison for life (even drug addicts). That's an average of about $40,000 per prisoner the tax payers are shelling out.

This is absolutely inhumane. BONDAGE ought to ruffle a few feathers.


Isn't Florida like where they keep finding all those dead or starving foster kids? And like no social worker checks them.

I think the president's brother is the governor, right?


So how come nobodys doing anything about it?


Hi. I'm the Writer and Director. Please do check out this site. Too many kids from F$cked up families are being punished when what they really need is help - and by that I don't mean medication.

Please do check out




Really the writer and director? Hallo. I went to the site a while ago. Is it in any way related to the film? I hope your film does well and effects some much-needed change. Please please try and release it in Australia!


Eric -

I love your script!!!! Do you have an email address so people can correspond with you?



[email protected]
