MovieChat Forums > Bondage Discussion > California Juvy has a recidivsim rate of...

California Juvy has a recidivsim rate of 75%

I just read that on the site that Eric has been asking everyone to go to

This is truly unbelievable. I'm glad that someone has finally had the courage and the ability to make a movie that deals with this topic.

Why hasn't this been done until now?


We also have over 2,000,000 people locked up in this country, more per capita than any other country in the world.

Do most people even know this?


And we are the leaders of the free world. My, my.



Exactly. This movie will no doubt be very controversial.


It hasn't been done because the people running big studios are afraid to make anything that might offend soccer moms.



That's why I'm an indy fan. It's not that indys are better, but there are a lot of them that suck just as bad as big studio films.

But they do push the envelope while the studios follow the herd.



I made this movie in order to show the makings of a so-called "problem child" and to hold this up for examination. I hope that it will strike a cord with a lot people, especially those for whom there are some misconceptions.

I don't think that the pharmacutical companies who rely on terms like "A.D.D." or "Opposional Defiance Disorder" will be too pleased. They are drug dispensers after all, and without these labels a multi-billion dollar industry slips right out of their hands... until they come up with new labels...

... or until this satisfaction with defining a person by their "symptoms" stops becoming acceptable. There is usually an intelligent being beneath all that behavior, trying to say something, if we care to listen.

Everyone, after all, is in bondage to something. It's part of what links us.

Eric Allen Bell
Writer & Director of "Bondage"




I just learned that the high school drop out rate in the US is something like 50% now! Why, in the richest country in the world, are we spending so much money on killing Arab civilians instead of taking care of our own? What is happening here? Is anyone paying attention?


This movie needs to be released soon to bring attention to how badly America deals with it's troubled youth.


The troubled youth are just a symptom of a troubled country. But when the young start to whack out, it perpetuates a system that is a vicious circle. Awareness is the power to end it.
