Sam is the Man!

Not suffering from Book Derangement Syndrome or movie snobbery, I enjoyed this tremendously, taking it for what it is. It was so much fun watching Sam Elliott essentially show the posturing younger teeny bop stars how it's done, that I could easily overlook the weaknesses of the way the film was put together. He is a real man, a true man's man without denying the woman's man inside (I asked my sister :-)

Definitely still the best male voice in the business, bar none. I remember as a small child, a lifetime ago, the pleasure of hearing my dad's deep, reassuring voice downstairs as I dropped off to sleep. Sam's voice is like that. Sort of the opposite of Tom Selleck's voice (no offense, and I love his work too).

P.S. - I'm not a complete illiterate lowbrow. I now look forward to reading Forsyth's book.
