The Asian Dudes

Ok, ok, ok, so WTF?! Not only is it weird as hell that all these Gangs decide to roam the Streets in extremely large numbers, but wtf's with the Asians? I ain't got nothing against Asians, but they had to be the stupidest "Gang" in the movie. They saw some Guys and thought "Yo, let's chase 'em", then they chase them into a Car Park and corner them, then all of a sudden one of the ASIANS is all like "No! Wait! We can't do this! It's not right!" After *beep* chasing them for like 5 Minutes, then he's like "Run!" and Cam 'n' the gang p*ss off, then randomly, one of the other Asians pulls out a *beep* KATANA and jumps at his mate!


