MovieChat Forums > Ark (2005) Discussion > Dr. Anders was my favorite

Dr. Anders was my favorite

She had alot of character. I thuoght that Amaranth was a tiny weak. Anyone else agree?

"You have to become more than a man to the mind of your opponent."- Henri Ducad- Batman Baegins


Yea he was very weak for a Villian. I saw this movie after watching Advent Children, whose animation was AMAZING! The animation in this is ok, but the story really was shallow which is why Amaranth came off as a Emo sociopath with leeches on his chest.

Also, anyone who has played Final Fantasy X, doenst the art in his film resemble FFX? Especially In the city areas, also the design of Amaranth rivals that of Seymore Guado.


WOW! Someone replied!! *coughcoughkack* Sorry. I have not seen very many "realistic" animated movies, but I thought the animation was exellent.

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