The Truth Is Out

If you get "Blocking the Path to 9/11" you will see what the truth is. The truth is that none of the Clinton spin machine that were whining about "Path to 9/11" and smearing the makers had actually seen it. Nobody. The newsmen that were reporting and interviewing on it, like Wolf Blitzer and Kieth Olbermaniac, hadn't see it.

It turns out that the film was kind to Bill Clinton because it only showed one instance where he and/or Sandy Berger blew a chance to take out bin Laden. There could have been a dozen.

It shows how ABC felt about the project when it was done. They loved it.

It shows how most of the people working on the movie were left wing or liberals, some proclaiming that they voted for Clinton, twice.

And it shows how Harvey Keitel sold them out.

They just wanted an accurate story.

Let's see one specific refutation of what was portrayed in the docudrama. Let's have the critics point out the inaccuracies. Thinking people have noticed that with all the whining, that the only complaint that was valid was American Airlines' complaint that it was a regional carrier that allowed Atta to board in Portland Maine, in spite of the CAPPS warning, not AA in Boston. That's it.

This movie showed how completely inept the Clinton Administration was, and it isn't kind to Bush either. The makers really thought they would get all their complaints from the Bush Admin.

They were totally shocked to see that the Democrats were for outright censureship and smearing the people who made this great film.

More: mple_as_abc_129092.htm#comments


Both attacks on the WTC should have been prevented. Before 1993 the owners of the Twin Towers hired experts to write a report on the avenues that terrorist might use to strike the towers. The information obtained (in part from a former military officer) was wholly and completely ignored from a safety standpoint. What the information was specifically used for was to sabotage and stand down and allow them to be attacked. Both attacks in 1993 and 2001 were inside jobs. The experts hired to heighten security were duped into helping those who wanted to attack. Those who wanted to attack them were in fact the towers' owners who were embarking on a massive insurance scam. This serves as a morbid example of fascist corporate leaders paying you a pittance while extracting ideas from you to use against you and your country.

This pattern of sabotage from within was repeated on 9/11 when our fighter jets were duped into flying in the wrong direction rendering them useless to defend us from another Twin Towers attack.

Most of what's being said is off topic and designed to detract fools who just want to be entertained.

To show you how ignorant some filmmakers and screenplay writers are, I just now heard someone in a documentary on the Dust Bowl say that Steinbeck wrote Grapes of Wrath. He didn't write it. He stole it through his literary agent. Sonora Babb wrote Grapes of Wrath. She lived through the Dust Bowl. Steinbeck was the son of lawyers who stole the book from Sonora Babb. He is a plagiarist and lost in a court trial. Sonora Babb won her plagiarism suit against John Stole It Steinbeck. This is one of many examples of writers being too lazy to do their research and hoping that equally lazy audiences stay glued to their couch and do not research anything themselves. Lazy writers count on mindless drones to absorb whatever they write.

The bankers were robbing the mid-western farmers through usury around the time of the Dust Bowl. Speilberg's producing partner wrote about it in her book You'll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again. He pretty much owes his career to her. My family came out of the Dust Bowl. I know who these people are who are robbing Americans and duping them left and right. They've attacked my family repeatedly. Speilberg's late producing partner had enough integrity to point them out in her book for us all to learn about. Do your research.

I Get My News From Deek Jackson


You ought to cut back on the caffeine and get more sleep.



Hopefully this will be widely viewed around Sept. 11th. It is worth it.
