MovieChat Forums > The Path to 9/11 (2006) Discussion > This Is Just What Oliver Stone Does.....

This Is Just What Oliver Stone Does.....

Cept on a reverse of the political spectrum...though in Stones defense, he has expressed displeasure that the DVD release has been shelved.

Cartman-Token 08 Together We Can Beat Stan And Kyle


The movie was researched and used multiple sources for the scenes. It is about as close to what happened as story telling can make it.


Utter hilarity....
How do you breathe with your head so far in the sand ?


I have read several books on the lead up to 9-11 and the movie seemed pretty faithful to me.

The one thing they left out, that has been documented and attested to in public by the biggest Democrat contributor and Clinton supporter in New York, was the failure of the Clinton Admin to take bin Laden when the Sudanese offered him up...twice.


Seriously, what does it matter if Clinton was "offered up" Bin Laden. That term sounds like human sacrifice by the way. Human sacrifice would not have brought justice nor appeased the gods that go by many names that crowd the heavens.

The men who attacked the Twin Towers in 1993 were caught and interrogated and were, in fact, CIA operatives, trained to attack the Towers. It was obviously an inside job. Do your research. The interrogation was recorded and you can read the transcripts yourself. CIA. How is it that Clinton should accept Bin Laden's head on a golden platter when those who attacked the towers in 1993 were our own guys?

I suppose some people can be bribed into saying anything for anyone and wholly discard truth and integrity. But here you have CIA operatives telling you the truth about who they worked for on one hand and on the other you have people ignorantly saying Clinton should have gone after Bin Laden. It boggles the mind. This is what is known as being a half-wit or a parrot.

If the gods wanted people water-boarded then, he'd have made them so that their lungs filled with water anytime they were too lazy to use their own brains and say and do what's right. How many half-wits and parrots said water-boarding wasn't torture. I suppose the military got the idea to water-board from 24 the way they obtained many ideas for torture. 24 is what some would call mindless entertainment. Those who would call it that are uninformed and one might assume to be lazy. I had the chance to preview 24 and vote on whether or not it should air. I voted against it, knowing that it would be unfortunate if it succeeded and hoping it wouldn't be given the chance. Unfortunately my vote against it meant nothing. I haven't watched a minute of it other than that one studio preview.

Don't be a tool. It's unAmerican.

I Get My News From Deek Jackson


1. cut back on the caffeine, it is making you delusional.
2. pullyerheadouttayerazz, the fresh air will sober you up.


Is Oliver Silverstein (p/k/a Stone) a CFR member?

Research CFR on Youtube and let us known.

Then let us know if you think he's a propagandist or a loyal American citizen.

I Get My News From Deek Jackson


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You will hear in their own words, the Democrats who made this film astounded that the Clinton machine lied and intimidated to keep this from airing.

They thought they would hear complaints from the Bush Whitehouse, they heard none. Only the lying, threatening Democrats from the Clinton Admin.

The Dems lost a few supporters after that.

Watch it and hear them in thier own words.

You will also see ABC having a party saying that this was the best thing they ever made for TV. Then, silence.

Gee, what did the Clinonistas have to fear?
