A plan that might work.

I have a plan for release that might satisfy Disney, the inaccuracies of the film, as well as people who just want to see the film released.

It goes like this:

The Path to 9/11 aired and few extra minutes versions are criticized as being inaccurate/dramatized (it is a docudrama, I get that).

However, the director had around 9 hours of footage to condense into 5 hours for time purposes, right? Well, why not have 2 versions of the film...

The first one being the docudrama, the one we all saw, and including those cut few minutes. This one can be titled: DOCUDRAMA

The second being a re-cut film by the director, that is as accurate as possible with everything sourced. This version could run as long as director felt was necessary, as you would have to cut out the scenes that aren’t factual. Though you would be missing scenes from the docudrama version, this version would have added scenes from all that extra footage. This film may not be just as fast paced as the version we all know, but it would be accurate concerning actions by individuals and of course everything could be factually sourced. This one can be titled: The Path to 9/11: Revisited

There could be a DVD release as well as a blu-ray release. The releases could also include Blocking the Path to 9/11 as well as interviews by dissenting opinion and the main actors of the film. Of course these could be multi-disc DVDs and Blu-ray.

Please.. please! Tell me why this is not feasible. Let’s have the entertaining original with the new revisited version. I would not call the original totally accurate or inaccurate, but it was very entertaining and though provoking. I would at the same time not call the new version boring, dull, or sensitive. I would envision this version highly thoughtful and extended.

Regardless of what happens this film in some legitimate way needs to be released…

If you would like, please add thoughtful comments or suggestions.



1) Disney/Touchstone have already made a big loss on this due to the lack of repeat showings and an initial DVD release; they're not going to spend even more money preparing a new version from scratch.

2) The historical inaccuracies weren't created in post-production; they're right there in the original script, no amount of after-the-fact tinkering can change this.

Some day this story will get revisited, mark my word but it needs a Michael Mann or Stephen Gaghan to do it - not a bunch of right-wing hacks with their own political axe to grind.


I see what your saying financially, but historical inaccuracies? So what, we all know the film wasn't very accurate, but it still gives you an idea of the events that day and how some were unwilling to act.

Also, is it possible to go back and remake some of those hotly debated scenes?

In the end, shouldn't this film still be released? What kind of country bans a film like this but allows so many other types of unfair media?


Great idea, if anyone out there has ever heard of another film in the U.S. that was censored and never released! let me know. Oliver Stone mad a career of re-writing history, this film is 98% basic information that is verifiable by cruising the net.... let us have the opportunity to watch the Path to 911


http://cgi.ebay.com/PATH-9-11-RARE-DVD-UNEDITED-VERSION-UN-CUT-/260663 392460?pt=US_DVD_HD_DVD_Blu_ray&hash=item3cb0bfb8cc
