Who Blames Bush For 9/11?

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Big mustache


how on earth is bush to blame for 9/11.
he is not the one who hijacked a plane and flew thm into buildings with thousands of people inside.


That wasn't what I meant.

Big mustache


I voted against Bush twice, and I think his presidency has been a disaster for the country. But I don't blame him for 9/11.


I don't like Bush... but just as I think it's unfair to blame Clinton for 9/11, Bush isn't reponsible either... it happened...

I can only blame bush for after 9/11. We should have put all our resources in afghanistan and controled that country, showing our true force. Now we have two conflicts that are out of control,have only shown weakness and have only made Al Quaeda stronger.


How could anyone blame George W. Bush or Bill Clinton for 9/11?

Gee, were they flying the planes? Did they plant bombs at the base of the twin towers and set them off? Did they get a gang armed with boxcutters to bring down flight 93?



I do think that Bush could have investigated this whole thing before it happened, but psndflffffffffffffffffffffdkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


I don't blame Bush for 9/11 happening, but I do blame him and hold him accountable for using that tragedy to advance his own politial goals.

If 9/11 hadn't happened, our Congress would never have permitted Bush to invade Iraq, something he was determined to do from the day he took office - months before 9/11.

Bush exploited the tragedy and used it as an excuse to invade Iraq, a country that had no part in the attack. Worse, the invasion weakened the Iraq/Afganistan border and allowed Bin Laden access to more territory to hide out in.

Bush couldn't have prevented 9/11, but the way he exploited was a disgrace, it was a crime, and I hope someday he has to answer for what he did.


Iraq had nothing to do with what went on in Afghanistan. If you believe Bin Laden got away, that was in December of 2001, we didn't invade Iraq until 2003. I think the B-52s got him because we haven't had a credible message from him since.

And, it doesnt matter if Iraq was involved in 9-11 or not, but it may have been tangentially. Saddam was letting terrorists live in Bagdad, one of whom trained 2 9-11 hijackers on how to hijack a plane.

Iraq was a haven for terrorists being trained, paid and given safe harbor by Saddam. Saddam had already invaded two neighbors, threatened a third and attacked Israel. The whole world wanted the middle east stabilized, at least him gone.

Now he is gone. Be happy.


Wow - narrow-minded is one thing, but your brain is closed and nailed shut. Well, they say ignorance is bliss, so yes, I guess you can be happy.


"Wow - narrow-minded is one thing, but your brain is closed and nailed shut. Well, they say ignorance is bliss, so yes, I guess you can be happy. "

Wow what a pitiful and lame response was that.
Let me guess, you voted for Obama.


Let me guess, you're a right wing Bush worshipper who doesn't mind that he sent thousands of our troops to their deaths to satisfy a personal vendetta against Saddam.

....May you also find contentment in your ignorant little sphere of existence.....

I trust you find that wording a bit less lame - but if you don't I really don't give a damn.

And yes, I voted for Obama. We don't need four more years of continued arrogant stupidity.


I just wanted to point out that Iraq and Afghanistan do not share a border, as this poster seems to suggest. I'd like to assume you mean the Pakistan/Afghanistan border, but Bin Laden slipping over that border had nothing to do with Iraq and everything to do with Pakistain-U.S. relations and Pakistan's fragile grip on its country.

If you don't know what I mean then you should do some reading about the relationship between Pakistan and the U.S.

I do agree that Bush exploited 9/11 to gather support for the Iraq War. On the other hand, it could very well turn out to be the best thing for both Iraq and the U.S.'s interest in that region. Just because the motivations for something are questionable (at best) does not mean it didn't need to be done.


Before you really start to believe that any one man is to blame research U.N. history on Youtube. You'll learn that all roads lead to a banker cabal who enlisted the help of leading industrialists, corporate leaders, politicians, religious leaders, jurists, university heads, members of the intelligence community (an oxymoron actually) and media moguls.

Some of these media moguls stole my intellectual property. They used the stolen profits to finance terrorism against me and my country.

I Get My News From Deek Jackson


But Deek makes fun of conspiracy theorists all the time. That's why I stopped listening to him. What's up with that? he's also a proud Freemason. I thought you didn't like them?

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


What do you get when you put Bush and Obama together in one room?


I Get My News From Deek Jackson


It has nothing to do with time, but what they did during that time.

The Clinton administration warned Bush that Osama Bin Ladden was a major threat, but the Bush administration didn't take it seriously. When Bush got the memo saying "Osama determined to attack within the United States" he said to the person who gave it to him, 'You've covered you ass.' They did nothing to stop the attack, even though they were warned it was coming. They did this because they didn't take the warnings seriously. This is something you can blame them for.

On the other hand, Obama has been trying to fix the economy. Sadly, he has been listening too much to the bankers and Wall Street and hasn't been tough enough in demanding strong regulations and consumer protection. In short, he's listening to the same people Bush listened to. This is something you can blame him for, but you can't say, 'The Republicans would be doing better.'

