This guy is my teacher

Fritz Kiersch is my Film Directing and Productino professor, last semester we actually got to follow the post production of this movie until the end of school when we watched the whole damn thing. it's friggin awesome. right now he's working on some other stuff, the Hunt was also very good my brother's in that one (he's the white trash kid that Kraw talks to about the Jeep).

write a book, they call you an author, make a movie about a book, and you're an artist.


Look at me...Look at me...Look at me...Look at me

LOOK at me...LOOK at me...LOOK at me...LOOK at me

LOOK AT me...LOOK AT me...LOOK AT me...LOOK AT me


why does every movie have to have a thread attached of someone who needs to feel self important at being somehow tied to the production in some way?



Why is it that every thread that has a comment about being involved with a film has someone that has nothing better to do than knock that person down to make themselves feel more important?


It's because they feel unimportant so they knock someone else. We just have to ignore them.


>>"It's because they feel unimportant so they knock someone else. We just have to ignore them."

what a typical bleeding heart moronic statement.
You are totally off base, but if it makes YOU feel better to defend the undefendable, go for it.

I am simply tired of seeing useless posts on this board of either:

1. Shills who work for the film in one way or another promoting utter crap
2. Extras, friends of extras, family members of extras or just plain stary-eyed wannabees letting us all know they ware in some way "connected" to the film.

The comment sections should be about the films, PERIOD.
I love movies and I come here to see if they are worth checking out, but I have to wade through these stupid posts every time.

YOU make the emotionally needy come here to waste our time posting imaginary bravado.

I should be pissed with you and not the constant stream of retards that come in here to post that their great uncles friend who works at Wallymart overheard someone who was once in the same state that the film was screened in.


Well said. The highlighted, useless comment for this movie is a perfect example. It sounds like Armand Astane's mother wrote it. I'm sure she loves her son very much and thinks he's very talented but we don't give a s**t what his mother thinks.

We also don't give a s**t about what the student of the director thinks. Your comments can't be trusted as honest and you just come off sounding like a self important a**.


Look at me...Look at me...Look at me...Look at me

LOOK at me...LOOK at me...LOOK at me...LOOK at me

LOOK AT me...LOOK AT me...LOOK AT me...LOOK AT me


It's funny that you would knock someone else for drawing attention to himself.


you don't comprehend much do you?


Well, I comprehended what a thread called "This guy is my teacher" was going to be about. You had to "wade through it" before you figured it out.


wow you are an idiot..
you don't really get it do you?

The point of irritation for me IS the frigging post "This guy is my teacher" and that is what I replied too.
It wasn't because I said " Gee, I wonder what this thread will be about" and was then annoyed by the content.
I didn't have to "figure it out"...

are you that stupid or are you just trying to find a way to justify your continued defense?

stop defending the undefendable.

There is NO valid reason to post that kind of crap on this website.


Sure there is. I find it mildly interesting when people relate their personal experiences with filmmakers. If I didn't, I simply wouldn't click on the topic.

If it really bothers you that much, though, maybe you could put in an application to IMDb and they'll appoint you Thread Sheriff or something.


I am with you porfle. I find it interesting also or wouldn't be reading this.


People should only post topics like this if they can actually offer some inside news. If they had a chance to look behind the scenes or if the person they happen to know told them something ABOUT THE MOVIE, they should share it here.
No one cares if someone is the neighbour of the brother of Quentin Tarantino's tailor.
My 50 cents...


Porfle -- Gormly ALWAYS whines about people giving alternates POVs about a film. God forbid you worked on the film as an extra or actor or grip or hairdresser -- if you mention this or say anything the self-appointed review police are all over you. Gormly is pretty amusing. He is SO uptight.


Says the person that has not one but TWO self links...


>>"Says the person that has not one but TWO self links..."<<

That would be a great zinger if it were in some sort of logical context.


the argument is pretty much a cliche... The story brings nothing intressting to the table.


Yeah, but I knew some body on telly once.


I bought a venti mocha macchiato at Starbucks in Nichols Hills the other day. This guy was sitting with his laptop and talking on his blackberry phone about things not going well on set. It was Gray Frederickson. He stopped me to ask about my English made car. Then he said he may need to borrow it for a future movie. I gave him a business card and left. I then looked him up on IMDB and then found this posting at the bottom of the page. From what I can tell, a lot of people know Gray from O.U., O.C.C.C., and O.C.U. It probably numbers in the thousands by now. I think its ok to post if you have had an encounter with someone from a movie. I mean that the information along with $2.00 will buy you a soft drink at most restaurants. The most actors I encountered was from the movie, Surviving - A Family Tragedy. It was filmed at Cassidy School, Piedmont, and various locals. I worked for the Hilton Hotel where the actors stayed. Except for Molly Ringwold who insisted on staying at the only 4-star hotel, The Waterford. It was a positive event.
