
This movie was tremendously uplifting. There aren't a lot of television shows that the entire family can watch. I enjoyed the entire cast of this program!


I missed it!!! Who was Rose? What did she do? thanks TRAYHOO


Rose was one of the first homeless people that was taken in by Doris Robert's character. Rose was sick and laying on the street. Mrs. McGowan paid for her hospital bill and took her to live in her home.


Golden Girl

Thanks so much, was mrs.mcgowan doris roberts characater?


Doris Roberts did play Mrs.Mcgowan. She played the part very well.


If only there were more people in this world like the amazing woman in ths movie. I know it's fiction, but why would this woman be paid back for her gifts by getting terminal cancer......shouldn't that be a sentence for someone like Osama Bin Laden or Hitler???


I thought this movie was incredibly heartwarming!!! It made me cry so!
I agree with the above poster: This wonderful loving woman gets *paid back* by getting CANCER!!! This is what God thinks of humans trying to be loving beings?!
While bad guys run around happy and healthy as can be! I don't get it.

How are good people supposed to DO GOOD if they are sick or dead?!!!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
