Excellent movie!!

i admit it, this movie is excellent i loved it very much,
screw George Romero, this movie simply rocks!

it's gory, it's fast, it's bloody, and it's great.

25% of the acting is poor, 75% is great, some of the effects are cheesy,
most of the effects are very well done.

to me i give score 8/10


"screw George Romero"? Haha, don't be silly. This movie was definately good, sure, but you can't truly believe it's better than all of Romero's films, unless you haven't seen any of them.


i truly like this movie, not as much as the first three ramero zomflics but definately better then land of the dead, all the return of the living deads, house of the dead, zombie and day of the dead 2 contagion.

the world got smaller but the bombs got bigger.holocaust on a hair pin trigger.


Uhhh, ok... To each their own. I think the film is typical of the B-Movie product that comes The Asylum. Decent, but nothing special. Good for a Friday night rental to pass some time. For the extremely small budget they were working with, it was good. But it doesn't even deserve to mentioned in the same breath with ANYTHING by George Romero, or Lucio Fulci for that matter.

It's definitely better than House of the Dead or Day of the Dead 2, but those are two of the worst zombie movies ever made. But better than Land of the Dead and Return of the Living Dead? Give me a break...




no it really isnt that good, i tried to get into this movie but couldnt. The acting was horrible, and im usually not the one to get bothered by bad acting or even notice that it is bad. The effects are good for the budget they had. The audio is off from the video, and is very annoying, it also makes the acting that much worse. Overall this movie is not horrible, it's watchable, but just no where close to be "Excellent". They did good considering their budget, i guess.
