I enjoyed this!

I read all the reviews here...went into the watching of this film with the knowledge that, yes, it's low budget...yes, the actors are virtually unknown...yes, it's a B Horror Gore Fest. I was expecting the worst.

Despite all of that, this film is not a total train wreck. I even enjoyed it. The story line is pretty clear...straight forward. The special effects are very effective, gore and gut-eating at all the right spots. If you are a true fan of that sort of thing...this film delivers.

I've watched many badly made films and usually, when they are total trainwrecks, you can't get past a certain point in the film. That never happened with this one. It piqued my interest from beginning to end. I wanted to see what was going to happen next. Yes, the acting wasn't first rate, but it was good enough to move the film along nicely.

So, I went in expecting the worst...and came away with an entertaining 80-something minutes. I liked it.


One of the things I enjoy most is that they weren't afraid to show the kids being eaten. Not too graphically explict, but when's the last time you saw a little girl's intestines being eaten...and a little boy's ear ripped off?



I'm not sure why people hate this movie so much. There are some terrible zombie movies out there--this isn't one of them. It totally delivers the zombie action, and in particular, the gore!

--Daniel W. Kelly, author, "Closet Monsters: Zombied Out and Tales of Gothrotica"


My gosh, someone actually liked this piece of trash. *shudder*
