I enjoyed this so much!

I have a few qualms like I thought there was two many anglo-americans in the casts and would've loved a couple darker skinned hispanics (like the ones from the flashback photos that were on the team and did exist) and probably would've preferred Spanish with subtitles, but overall it was a good touching movie!


I haven't seen this movie yet, though I want to and while I am glad this story has been made into a movie, I have a feeling I would have some small problems with this movie as well. Well, I would be flexible on the Spanish dialogue but particularly having the darker Latinos represented.

It reminds me of Walkout when Alexa Vega played Paula Crisostomo who is Mexican/Filipino. Alexa is half Colombian/half white but is light in complexion, she also plays white roles. I think her father may be a white Colombian. I also heard they tinted her skin, not sure how accurate that info is, maybe she just tanned. Anyway my point is the real Paula would not be able to do that were she an actress. It seems to me that you see a lot more of lighter skinned Latinos getting roles that may have been more appropriate for a darker complected Latino (than the latter), or most of the roles period. It's interesting to me because they seem to do it a lot. I cringe for the day they make Cesar Chavez's biopic (I kid). Also it's not just about complexion, it's features too because then it gets into one of those situations where the lighter ones are also white (or mostly white, or "look" white) and also play white roles and then what about the other Latinos? Of course some Latinos can transition back and forth just fine, visually etc.

Aside from that, I don't think her Spanish is so good so then you have an awkward situation when she speaks Spanish. And I'm not just picking on Alexa (just using her as an example) because they do it a lot and I'm thinking why didn't you just get the Latina(o) more suited for the job in the first place? Anyhow I wrote too much on something I had no intention of getting into, lol, that's me.

All this aside I still want to see it! Plus I love Clifton Collins Jr.

***Rest in Peace Nick Ashford, you will live on through your musical legacy***

