dis movie rulez

i dont know what yall catz be talkin about. this move was da heat. best action bball moves evah!


quit embarassing yourself



you are a moron... learn to spell also


There's no need to be so rude to this guy. He's entitled to his opinion just like you. How dare you say anything about the way he chooses to talk. Fascists.


Because he makes a mockery of the englsh language...


yeah the "englsh" language.


Cant you tell hes joking? I mean, c'mon guys. We DO know what sarcasm is...right?





and what race r u?


u guys are all lame


I don't know about him but I'm a Marathon.

I'm doing God's work... because the bastard's too lazy to do it himself.




If everyones entitled to their opinions, you shouldn't be concerned that he has a bad opinion of the original poster then, right? Of course thats your opinion, which you're entitled to, which makes everyone all peachy cause everyone can say what they want and its their opinion whether they choose to represent the dregs of society or not. ^^


He called this movie "Da Heat." He's fair game.



HA! "da heat" I hope this dude's joking.

I'd *beep* me, I'd *beep* me hard.


In my honest opinion only people who don't relate to the type of lifestyle will call movies like this "Horrible, stereotypical,etc.

Fact is people out there actually hustle in games of Basketball, people out there actually do participate in underground Basketball leagues like the one in this one, and I think this movie did an excellent job at showing the audience what that lifestyle is like.

Again, only people who know nothing about it, and wont give something a chance will hate this movie. Is it the greatest Basketball movie of all time? no. Is it an entertaining movie for a Friday night? I would say yes.


People actually hustle in basketball? You can't be serious. Do people bet on poker too, that has to be a movie myth too right? Since people really do hustle in basketball this completely changes everything. I give this movie a full 10/10. Best. Movie. Ever!

I'd *beep* me, I'd *beep* me hard.


I know! I am so shocked also, and had I known about this apparent "Hustling" that goes on in Basketball
(or B-Ball as the Kool Cats call it), I too would have had a totally different view of this movie. For me, I would have given it a 9/10


I've been so sheltered, I wonder what else I don't know about my world. Get this, apparently, pool players are also known to "hustle" and crack cocaine is bad for you. Who woulda knew?

"Would you *beep* me? I'd *beep* me. I'd *beep* me hard."


Your black language is stereotypical, all blacks like bball(as you spell it) you mispelled about , you are supposed to say 'bout....lol im not playing I am being serious

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


yo dawg yo best be steppin yo nappy headed ho bro. dis movie represent da hood yo, imma put a cap in yo ass negro.

peace out.


Okay man. I'm sick of you already.

Why Don't you go grab your pick (for your nappy afro), pop in "You Got Served" , and leave the discussions for the real movie buffs

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


hahah, i guess sarcasm eludes you.


Quit using big words


At least he can use big words, you @%*!ing moron.


Well, I can use words that are big, and at least I don't censor my own curse words you prick, please mind your own business.
YOU dont know what a fiasco your getting yourself into

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


I absolutely KNEW you would bring out the big words eventually.


Quit with this predicament (probably spelled wrong)

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


whats up with you saying no blacks use imdb... [coughs] racist!




My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


No, you spelled 'predicament' correctly.



Haha! Really Funny! No, I'm not being sarcastic, that is HILARIOUS!!


wow, i guess we can safely assume that leonard washington is some thirteen year old spoilt rich kid dumb-ass.


im gonna have to agree with leo washington over here..1. this movie was horrible and 2. If you choose to speak like a savage and butcher the english language than people should be able to choose to ridicule you.


You do realise you misused "english", right? Doesn't really help your position.


I am on the road less traveled...



~ I would never want to belong to a club that would have someone like me as a member ~


I think that I can state that we do not need to ASSUME that he is a 13yearold spoilt brat, but rather KNOW it!


Can you *beep* get along?


What did you say? Was that 'get along'? WTF does that mean!?


I am not racist I just love to see what black people say.
Im sorry I was 'stereotyping'
like 50% of my peeps are black
and oh by the way im not 13 you *beep* yuppie pricks
god you fags are stupid

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


by the way
my black friend was cracking up when he saw what I put and the replies they got.
P.S. This movie sucks still

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


wooo, can you hear that? did you just...did you just hear that? i think that's the sound of noone caring!

tell your black friend to stop talking and conversing with people like you.


What you just said is disrespectful to my (best)friend! you are just some stupid moron who has no 'real' friends to talk too. So I will be the bigger and better(I'm always better, its a proven fact) man and just tell you to shut your *beep* mouth you arrogant punk!

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


Funny, none of you know each other, yet you still make assumptions!


Wow, i really couldn't care less about your best friend. Even if he fell down a well and broke his face or something, i still wouldn't care. So tell him to shove it.

Great job with the massive assumption that i don't have 'real' friends. At least i judged you by what you said and the way in which you said it. You just managed to pull that stupid idea that i have no friends out of your arse. Why would you say i have no friends? Because i use the internet (guess who's being a hypocrite?) because i pointed out your stupidity and immaturity (oh, great indicator of me not having any friends)? Because i took a guess at your age (and was most likely right)? Nope, doesn't seem like any of those prove that i don't have any friends, sorry, *beep* assumption has just been disproven with some logic and common sense, which you seem to lack. (Don't worry, maybe in ten years time when you're 22, you'll acquire at least a trace of those traits)

You'll be bigger and better? What?! You're saying that over the internet? For all you know i could be a champion kickboxer with a doctorate in philosophy you arrogant fool. "It's a proven fact that you're better?" Is that some feeble, weak attempt at humour? or is that sarcasm? because if it's the latter, your previous and subsequent statements really confuse me, and if it's the former, you've just reaffirmed my belief of you being some stupid, immature, un-funny and ignorant rich-kid.

Me? Arrogant? Look at you, you stupid spoilt pre-teen swine. Nobody gives a *beep* that you can't understand big words, nobody cares that your stupid friend laughed, and most of all, everybody is pissed off about how you cannot seem to grasp the idea of sarcasm. Do you know _anything_ at all about sarcasm? Irony? Satire? Parody? I remember learning that in like year 6 or year 7 at school, and even then it was easy for everybody to grasp.

In conclusion, you have not backed up any of your arguments, and instead have reinforced mine (you are a spoilt, rich-kid between the age of 12 and 14, who probably goes to some snobby school with overpriced education and lives in a snobby overpriced suburb). Am i right or am i right?


I was kidding man?! I just wanted to kick up some *beep*
YOU just made 'assumptions' about me being 12 and me being stupid and me not understanding big words
you made false statements trying to take my dignity and pride and make it personal
so lets just end it here okay!
Lets be older and wiser
It was just a joke , dont take it seriously, alright?
I won't post any more
I now have a life to get back too.

Know I'll let you and your 'peers' bash me and you can crack wise about my
comment. I don't really give a *beep*
WHO's the hypocrite now?!



If not I'll be the "BIGGER" and "SMARTER" intelectual and walk away?

You make little things into something enormous and try make your self a bigger individual from it.

by the way I go to parties (not the homo' ones) and public school in the rough neighborhood and last I counted I have over a dozen of really good friends (not retarded gangbangers).


You know who looks like a nappy headed ho? John Edwards.


WTF!!?? Anyway, sorry, Leonard Washington but ssromanss (or whatever it is) is the best 'assumer' I've seen in a long time, as his 'assumptions' were most probably correct.

All those that agree with ssromanss, say I.


Jack 114...whatever, you are out of your element, like a kid walking into the
middle of a movie asking what it's about (The Big Lewbowski). I wasn't asking
for your opinion (but I GUESS your entitled to one.)

I don't see you making any assumptions (man that word is getting old),
ARE you ssroman's BITCH or something!

Your two are just glowing with utterly ignorant hypocrisy that I really don't give Two *beep* about what you and your butt buddy say because your small mispelled words and nerdy internet abbreviations are childish and just make you look like the spoilt 12 year old rich kids, so with all that said just stop acting like your the *beep* and quit using your wise-ass quips trying to impress each other. (how do you like that assumption Jackie-Boy)

Go ahead and continue with your kiss ass remarks!
I can't wait to see what immature remarks you will make next.



he makes a mockery of the englsh language...

...is my new favourite user quote :-D

Be alert. The world needs more lerts.



The statement "Quit using big words" is a great indicator of your age. Usually, when somebody says that, one can't help but think "dumbass pre-teen". At least try to hide it and not flaunt your ignorance.


"Jack 114...whatever, you are out of your element, like a kid walking into the
middle of a movie asking what it's about (The Big Lewbowski). "

excellent quoting from a really deep and intellectually stimulating movie there.

"I wasn't asking for your opinion (but I GUESS your entitled to one.)"

Nobody was asking for your stupid opinion or whether you knew big words or not.

"Your two are just glowing with utterly ignorant hypocrisy"

Tell me ONE thing that i said/did that juxtaposes another thing i said/did.
Also i find it ironic that you made like two spelling/grammatical errors in the paragraph above, and then repeated the 'your' mistake in the paragraph below and proceeded to make fun of people who can't spell in that same paragraph. (His entitled what? How can one own an 'entitled'? i think you mean "you're entitled to one". I don't know about the second 'your' mistake, but i'm willing to categorise that as a typo. Your dumbass was once again showing paragraph 3, line two,"with all that said just stop acting like your the *beep*" Maybe soon your english teacher will explain to you the difference between 'your' and 'you're', along with irony and sarcasm, when you finally finish year 7.)

"that I really don't give Two *beep* about what you and your butt buddy say because your small mispelled words and nerdy internet abbreviations are childish and just make you look like the spoilt 12 year old rich kids, so with all that said just stop acting like your the *beep* and quit using your wise-ass quips trying to impress each other. (how do you like that assumption Jackie-Boy) "

Since when do "nerdy internet abbreviations" mean that the person using it is a 12 year old rich kid? That's an absolutely baseless and purely retarded allegation. Do you think before you type? Or do you just type whatever random crap that comes into your head, even it doesn't make _any_ sense at all and goes against the grain of logic? I mean, i don't think i even used any of these 'stupid abbreviations'. And there's nothing wrong with them if they are used properly and not overused.

Besides, resorting to mocking one's spelling (which, in this case, was excellent by internet standards) indicates that your shallow reserve of wit has already been drained (and also that you've got basic 12-year-old knowledge of grammar). Now, at this point i'm wondering to myself,
a) was it ever there?
and b) does he understand metaphors?

"Go ahead and continue with your kiss ass remarks!I can't wait to see what immature remarks you will make next. "

so far, the only immature remarks are coming from you. E.g.

"What you just said is disrespectful to my (best)friend! you are just some stupid moron who has no 'real' friends to talk too. So I will be the bigger and better(I'm always better, its a proven fact) man and just tell you to shut your *beep* mouth you arrogant punk! "

that post is just laced with immaturity and pure stupidity. Somehow you managed to make a conclusion that i don't have any real friends and that you are the 'bigger and better' (and apparently it's a proven fact) without actually citing any credible evidence. I bet if you moved overseas, the average IQ of your country would double.

Q.E.D bitch.


OK, Leonard, I use correct grammar, as shown in EVVERY SINGLE one of my posts, I didn't even use abbreviations,you *beep*ing idiot. And ssromanss is right again. For some reason you think I like him just because he's right.

Oh, and a quick question, what's the age limit for this site?

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."


Okay (not OK) I'm impressed that you made your (no 're) point quite well with less sarcasm than I was expecting (by the way you're {notice the 're Mr. I-Notice-Every-Detail} using 'i' instead of 'I') just pointing that out in a non-childish way, as you so simply put it.

Now I have to give you credit for your maturity, but (oh yes there's a but) you said,
"excellent quoting from a really deep and intellectually stimulating movie there."
Umm, you're one to talk, you liked "Crossover" which IMDB put at #1 in the "Bottom 100". and "The Big Lewbowski" in the "Top 250".

The last post that you commented on (the one about my friend) was a joke, J-O-K-E, I even said that, interpret what you analyze.
I believe you need to think before typing.

I've got respect for you ssromanss. Yes I admitted it. I won't bash you anymore.

However, Jack11...I don't remember. You did use "WTF" and I do know what it means "What The *beep* You I have no respect for. You haven't proved anything worthy of my attention.


Wrong again... WTF is not an abbreviation, but indeed an acronym, you *beep*ing idiot.
And could someone answer my question, please?

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."


who said i liked crossover? i haven't even _seen_ crossover, although judging by the comments i'd say it's a really *beep* movie.

And the reason why i didn't capitalize my "I's" is cause it takes too much effort to press shift and 'i' at the same time, many times over.



Leonard_Washington, do us a favor and shut the f u c k up.


Oh, and Leonard, as an afternote, I don't really give a *beep* if I have respect from a 13 year old spoilt brat.

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."



yeah im pretty sure ssromanss won the whole argument. He pwned.


"you can watch the whole thing here: http://tv-links.co.uk/show.do/4/2747";

I rather not, the movie sounds terribly boring and cliche. Although thanks for the link, looks like a useful website...


Yeah sorry, I to am pretty lazy not using the shift key sometimes.

Jack is immature, he justs keeps it up with his assumptions of me being a 13 year-old (first it was a 12 year-old, make up your mind). Quit with it man, your not cool or edgy trying to bust my balls, you just make me laugh because I could be either a 400 lb. body builder, or a 90 year-old man who takes Viagra and molests children, you have no clue of who I am, so why don't you take your little acronyms and go on the gay little chat rooms and try to get cyber sex from some old man posing as a teenage girl or whatever it is you boys do.

To all you little children who keep interrupting the adults conversation need to keep your little traps shut.
Someone said, "ssromanss pwns" or something, WHAT the heck does that mean, Is it some language of cyber/video game nerds, Did you mean to spell "OWNS". I've never seen/heard it in my life.

By the way the movie is VERY boring and VERY cliche, trust me, that's my opinion

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


Oh, for god's sake...
Man, you've lost. Everyone on this board hates you, and you make assumptions as much as anyone else. You are a ****head. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD!!!

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."


Learn how to type and get a good taste in movies.

Theater: Pirates 3, 10/10
DVD: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 10/10


Maybe you should alter your taste too. TMNT 10/10? What the Hell?

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."


And secondly, I mean the original TMNT, not the new one, which I also liked.

Theater: Pirates 3, 10/10
DVD: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 10/10


He he, you're all arguing over a crappy movie that doesn't even deserve 1 (one) comment. Oh, an please don't tell me: Shut up! Adults talking. That's a crap thing too. The only way to solve this matter is this: Go to a bar and have a beer together LOL. Just kidding. Anyway, I think Leonard Washington is right and the all of you don't deserve to talk to him this way. Peace.


Yes we do. You just said that everybody is entitled to their own opinion. He said something stupid, i see it as my responsibility to correct him. Case closed, move on.

And i wouldnt mind beer.


Thank You netghost!
I do think we should get a beer or two, That's what should be done (if it could), I'm not fighting anymore, can we please stop with the insults for God's sake!
More (new) people keep posting trying to bash me, and I didn't even say anything "directly" to them. Just leave me out of it, no more assumptions or insults people.

Go ahead and talk more garbage at me and try to cut my n u t s off, I'm not the dumb little boy you think I am, I give up on you people, leave my name out of your posts.

....by the way my head isn't thick, it's just big (my brain anyways....just playing)


Did you reed my profile? I'm not legal drinking age yet!!!! Two more years to go!

Theater: Mr. Brooks, 10/10
DVD: The Fountain (second viewing), 7/10



A) Who Are You?

B) I was not talking about you

C) Why would I want to read anyone's profile?

D) I said in my last post that I'm done with the insults,
Are YOU a dumbass
Did you even read (not reed) my last post?
E) Go ahead and bash me, I won't waste my time with you

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


You are right, Leonard. I'm sorry. We have both said wrong things and I'm sorry. (Puts out hand) Nah, just joking man. Not that you're a *beep*head or anything, it's just that some of your opinions are false and I want to be neutral with you. As in we don't insult or compliment each other. Case closed, moving on.

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."


OK fine then, I would like to say that this movie is terrible. Its horrible, worst piece of crap ever to wipe itself on that silver screen.

There, discussion over.

One step away from freedom. Now I just have to run
-Newton High- (coming 2007)


Could everyone please stop trying to stop the discussion? I'm having fun.

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."



I can finally use a saying that we developed today.

you racist rattlesnake!!! lol


this movie is da best i definitely agree with you and all those whites are just jealous cos they cant do *beep* with a basketball



One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."


Oh no! Not again with these guys, It's starting over again.

You don't see the depth, you just see a bunch of guys playing basketball, there's much more (crap) to it. The screenplay, the directing, the acting, they were all trash. Sorry that's the damn truth! It may be entertaining to some, but you are losers if you think fighting, rap music, sex, and strong language makes a good movie you have no clue about good movies.
Acting, directing, screenplay, and scores can make:
.good movies like "American Beauty" and "Goodfellas"
.bad movies like "You Got Served", "Stomp The Yard", and "Cross Over"

You're just a racist punk!

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


Well said, Leonard.

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."


(To Jack) I don't understand you
one post you hate me, the next you make up, and now you're agreeing with me?

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!


It's all part of my elaborate plan... Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahh... I had my moment.
Look mate, I don't understand myself, so don't ask questions about understanding me.

One man and his dog took a walk on a beach. The dog said, *beep* this."



i agree with leonard...i don't know why i just feel like he had a better point...this board was great way to waste some time, keep it up.

Jan: What’s wrong with you?
Michael: Ohh. It was a weird day. I accidentally cross-dressed.


I'm glad some people realize the facts and don't stereotype everyone and then call everyone else a racist (jack) I'm really getting bored now that no one is arguing

My name's Leonard Washington
I'm from a little town called "None of your G*d*mn Business"!!



I just want you all to know that this discussion just made my night.
I should be doing my massive amounts of homework, but this was so much better.


Stupid uneducated idiot there


And it all started when some stupid uneducated black guy posted an incorrect opinion.


I'm pretty sure the OP was making a joke, which makes this whole thread rather absurd & hilarious at the same time. Also kind of sad.


