From What I have gathered ....

Its Computer Generated but looks very much like a cumputer game graphics.

I also think it is only going to be released through video and DVD - not through cinemas!!!!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes... 12 seconds - That is when the world will End!


this looked like it's from another planet or something. as well as the characters in it, even though i saw it in the original languege the talking and mouth movement didn't seem to match. also the weird movement of the characters, it's like slowmotion or like they're floating in space or something. but it's nothing that's unique about this movie here, this is how cartoons look today.

i got a shrove bun waiting for you,
today its bright sunny sky outside the living room,
so i removed it from the window pane,
sugar, you've been gone now for days,
not even around for a briefing stay,
and it's awfully dull since you left the place,
i got a shrove bun here for you,
teach me how to eat shrove bun like some others smarts do,
so i no longer have to turn into rudolphs pale brother fool,
if only for a briefing stay,
hope you'll come back in a few days,
and this shrove bun for you i save.
