What's it about?


Kaereni kaerezu ni muguchina ai shizuka ni shizuka ni karameau futari - Yokan by Dir en Grey


It's about a cop, a sanitation worker and a pharmacist. Chiaki only has one eye! And she is trying to make a bomb!

"Nobody'll rescue you. That's just life." - Mitsuko Souma ; Battle Royale


I heard it was a remake of Fight Club.


It's like Eureka meets Fight Club.
3 people survive a bus hijacking and realise from the hijackers story that society is *beep* up and decide to become vigilantes to help Joe Everyman. This all ofcourse turns to *beep*

I liked it.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks
