MovieChat Forums > Sukurappu hebun Discussion > i enjoyed this movie***spoilers***

i enjoyed this movie***spoilers***

i had been passing on this movie for years and last night i got a real surprise when i actually took the time to view it. This movie is well acted and directed, its funny and dark and complicated at the same time, just like real life. There are some unanswered questions and plot holes but what movie doesn't have unanswered questions and plots holes ^^ The only character i didn't really get was the female's part which is no surprise really b/c most Japanese movies always have a female lead that doesn't add to the story, they are kinda just there, with no real purpose or any acting talent. This female character didn't have a purpose, idk if it was just the US version and her parts were cut or if this is actually the way her part was intended but w/e the case she spent the movie in a bad wig and big shades b/c of her "disability" which has been her excuse to be a loner i guess. Her parts consisted of making a bomb, blaming Shingo for not helping her, faking a marriage proposal and also apparently offering Shingo sex, and walking off into who knows where with a luggage full of mini is lost on me b/c like i said before she really bought nothing to the film except filling the time requirement.other than her fail part the film was really good and if you can overlook her character its worth a watch

dead@ spoilers in the title due to the fact this movie has been out since 05 but maybe some1 like me didn't watch it at 1st
