MovieChat Forums > The Mechanic (2011) Discussion > Thanks for nothin', kid. (spoilers)

Thanks for nothin', kid. (spoilers)

Life is good for our mechanic. Getting the job done and moving on to the next job. Then Mr. Hot-head Steve shows up. He's got to stop Steve from getting sloppy with the carjacker, the kid doesn't follow directions killing the hitman, and on another job, a dropped piece of hardware causes them to have to leave a building the hard way with guns-a-blazin'. Our mechanic also has to avoid Steve's hit on him and he gets his house and prized Jag destroyed.

He's trying to teach the boy a skill, but gets crapped on at every turn by this punk.


uh....Arthur killed his father and it was Arthur who went out of his way to indoctrinate Steve.


Also Arthur should had realised that killing Steve's father might had been a set up.

Its that man again!!
