MovieChat Forums > The Mechanic (2011) Discussion > Killing Sutherland's character-spoilers

Killing Sutherland's character-spoilers

Why didn't JS's character:
1. Ask him if he did it?

More importantly,
2. why didn't Sutherland's character tell JS's that he didn't do that?

It was almost as if Sutehrland's character acknowledged having done it, which I found very surprising for this kind of movie, where they were old friend, and he was a decent guy- aside from being a hitman. It wasn't 'til JS's saw the guy who faked his death, and beat him for answers, that we learned the truth.

It seemed like Sutherland's character would've, or should've protested as he was inocent of that crime. He deserved to know why he was being killed, which was what, getting suspicious, snooping too much, greed?


Too late at that point. And Sutherland had probably accepted that he would be killed a long time ago, and didn't want to put Arthur in danger. As it turns out the other company men are just generic thugs...


OP, I don't quite think you get how the "spoilers" thing works.


Yeah...when you put the actual spoiler in the subject line, you've kind of outed yourself as a bonehead. :)


I watched the movie for 20 minutes, then I decided to come to this forum if anyone else thought it was kind of weird

I mean, Donald's character already stated that Jason's character is some genius hitman who sees things others don't
for a genius hitman I thought him to be mildy retarded
what genius goes out snooping for information in newspapers? he is not likeably to find any usefull information in there concerning the one who leaked the information.

next to that, the person that assigned him with the hit said only two people know about the details and next he makes the conclusion that it had to be him.
anyone who isn't mildy retarded (like the writers) would considered it could have also been him.

because of this I don't really feel like watching the rest of the movie
this kinda ruined the credibility for me, so now I'm going to finish watching it as a science-fiction/fantasy movie without futuristic stuff or unicorns

p.s. this forum lacks clear seperation of ones signature


It was a flaw that Arthur did not check out if the allegations's against Sutherland were true.

Its that man again!!
