MovieChat Forums > The Mechanic (2011) Discussion > Where are the logical adults when these ...

Where are the logical adults when these films are being made?

These movies are getting sillier and sillier. A pro assassin that screws everything up? He never wears gloves, spreads his dna all over everything, and predicts when, where, and how everything will occur. "Ok. He's gonna try and kill me at the gas station. So I'll park a truck over there. Then he'll go to my house and play my record player and then he'll drive my car that coincidentally is working after two years of working on it."

It's like a child writes these stories and a mongoloid directs them. At no point did anyone point any of this stupidity to anyone else?

"Umm Jim doesn't that sequence of events seem a bit nonsensical?"

"Hey sir maybe my character should wear gloves?"

I've liked Jason Statham since Lock Stock and thought he had more potential but I have been avoiding the transporter/crank sequels so I could avoid losing anymore respect for him and these types of movies. The synopsis and 54% rotten tomatoes really fooled me on this one... Interesting premise, good cast, poor execution.

The action and acting (with what they had to work with) was great of course but in between stunk. These studios just want Statham because he makes bank. Everything else is of little use to them. No more Statham driven movies for me.


i agree made by mongoloids for mongoloids. I think stathams action tenure is starting to come to a close.


I just saw a decent Statham movie called Blitz. Ending was juvenile but the movie was pretty good.


If you remember there is a scene near the beginning of the film where Sutherlands character is telling Statham that he is the most skilled person he has ever met at reading people, that he has an uncanny knack for it. Remember we are assuming that these two have spent a lot of time together before that job, and Statham has had plenty of time to read Fosters character. Statham figured that Foster would play the record and take the car based on his very deep understanding his behaviour. It could be reasonable to assume that Statham left a few cars in a few different places in the city. The truck looked quite a distance from the gas station and the engraved marking on the gun (Victory Loves Preparation) seems to indicate that Statham was extremely prepared for this to happen. So I think that he probably had a few escape routes lined up.

Also, I doubt any new Statham-driven movie will miss your business. I mean no offense by this, but I have a feeling that overly-critical film snobs aren't really their target audience.


No offense taken. This film was rubbish that seems like it was written by a teen. I just watched Layer Cake. Amazing movie. I'm not a snob but since my brain isn't mush I prefer logic and intelligence in my movies. No offense.


None taken. I myself like to think when watching movies sometimes, but other times a good old fashioned action movie really hits the spot.

Just to be fair, it is snobby to compare the director of this film to a 'mongoloid' for not making a film that you can write your thesis on. Sometimes people just want to see bad guys get punched in the face, it doesn't mean they're idiots.


No. Wanting to see straight up kickass action and
much deserved justice doled out doesn't make someone an idiot.

But then again I can't ignore a seasoned "hitman" who leaves proof, fingerprints, and dna at every ceime scene. You can make a entertaining simple action movie and still have it be intelligent.

I'm getting the feeling you had some involvement with this film.


well, I kinda agree on the mongoloid thing
the person that wrote this story left big holes in the logic
being able to have a good story without those holes requires brains, which the writer clearly didn't have
hence a mongoloid

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If Statham's character was such a good judge of people he would not had taken the word of Dean that Harry was dirty.

Its that man again!!


Good point.

That entire scene was ridiculous, like both men who obviously respected each other a great deal wouldn't talk and get to the bottom of it together.

The director and writers treat the audience like idiots.

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling!


intelligent movies are good, but for me not a must
a logical movie though, is a must
I always get really annoyed if movies aren't logical, if things don't make sense or if movies have giant plot holes

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if Statham's character had such a good nose for people, why did he kill Sutherlands character? this really ruined it for me, he is supposed to be some genius and still he falls for such a simple trick? come on...

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what bothered me most was the chaos they started downtown when turning dean into swiss cheese without any police showing up.

rest was ok for me.



Yes, the writers and director decided to treat us in the audience like idiots throughout.

I guess for a certain genre of film, so long as there is enough gore and explosions,
it's immaterial whether the story actually makes any sense.

I wanted more backstory on the 38th guy he killed (a nameless henchman victim): what was his family life like? How did his parents influence his career choice? Was he a vegetarian? Was he stressed trying to get just the right gift for his kid's party? In the orgies of death, most of the victims in these shoot-em-ups are completely dehumanized.

...and. The story was pretty stupid overall.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!

