MovieChat Forums > The Mechanic (2011) Discussion > Random sex scenes added nothing, should ...

Random sex scenes added nothing, should have been cut.

I like this movie, it is a solid action piece. The random sex scenes were totally unnecessary IMO.


In theory, I agree, but that scene was dang hot for a full release movie. I watched it again this weekend, though, and I feel like what I saw on Starz or whatever premium channel had a shorter cut of that scene than what was shown theatrically.

Which is a shame. `Cause that was hot.


I agree, and Arthur's whore has the ugliest, boyish ass I have ever seen on a woman.


She had a hot face, but she was very flat and had no ass whatsoever.


Agreed. The very definition of "gratuitous". The sex had very little to do with the plot (except to demonstrate that they were primarily heterosexual and susceptible to questionable decision making based on sexual attraction). It was just thrown in there for titillation and pandering to a certain (unspecified) demographic.

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster"


Not really, both of those scenes are important for characterisation, in Arthur's case it helps to further establish him as a true professional, even the women he sleeps with don't know who he is and don't really care to find out, in contrast to Steve who lives much more dangerously.

It also neatly ties up the dog subplot.


I fast-forwarded through the sex scenes but I kind of understand why the filmmaker thought they were necessary. I agree - because of his profession and his need to keep all emotional attachments at a distance, he sleeps with prostitutes and though he has one that he prefers, it's clear that when push comes to shove, he still won't hesitate when it comes to getting the job done. Personally, I think it should've been easy to portray that characterization without going into graphic detail of the actual acts themselves, but this is very much a stereotypical macho guy movie so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the sex scenes were thrown in there for pure entertainment's sake.


I would have cut the scenes with the girls and replaced them with more killing. If the male leads in an action film have to be shown having sex with women in order to establish their masculinity then something is wrong already. The Steve character was already looking a little wimpy, him being with the broad didn't make him seem like a bad ass. That huge gay dude was beating him silly before he got lucky and killed him.

