New Clips!

Lucy Liu is the best!


thanks! The show looks interesting and Cillian looks great, it's refreshing to see him portraying a different character this time.


OH MY GOD!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE IT!!! Cillian looked soooo cute!!!!


I know! And Lucy Liu is cute in this one too. Love the basketball clip it's funny.


They didn't seem to work for me. :(


hope these links work.

Edit: Ha, good clips. I enjoyed those. It's nice to Cillian do something humerous. It reminds me slightly of Wes Anderson's dry humor.


I really have a problem with that pairing!!

THE THE - This is the day, your life will surely change


They don't seem to have any chemistry at all but I'm wondering if perhaps that's part of the movie? LOL...I want to like this movie but so far it's hard. Murphy's character is cute though.

Maybe the coming trailer will tell us more about the "feel" of the movie. 'Cause the clips I've seen this not funny...and this is supposed to be a romantic comedy, right? far not sensing the romance or the comedy...


I know what you mean, it just seems like something is off can't put my finger on it though. I know I may sound sexist but I can't get past the fact that she's 40 playing someone that dresses and acts like a teenie. Maybe when I see the film it will be less unsettling.


No, it took me to the same place. The second clip doesn't even try to load. And the other two just don't play when I click on them too. thanks though.


wow thanks
ive beeen wanting to see a clip or something from this moviee for agess!
can anyone tell me when the trailer wil be released? or maybe the film?


Looks like a fun movie- can't wait to see it.




omg when i saw those clips the entire time i was thinking "Cillian marry me right now" he is so adorable and so unlike any of the other characters he has played (like Rippner in Red Eye and Scarecrow in Batman).


He was sexy as HHHEEEELLLLL in Red Eye and Batman Begins!!!


this movie actually looks pretty good, cant wait!

'Thanks for the quickie" Jackson Rippner


He's so cute that I had to kiss the screen at the end of the last clip.


I love the clip with the baby that was hilarious. Cillian's good with the American accent. Is this going to be released to theater or DVD.


the basket ball cip was funny

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill


I actually thought that it was very obvious that he was trying to hide his Irish accent. Just me though.


Thanks for the link. I'm looking forward to seeing this film. Cillian Murphy has a very dry sense of humor that has been evident even in the movies where one isn't expecting it (Scarecrow is a pretty droll character). The best thing is he still manages to make the humor unique to the character. Patrick "Kitten" Braden from Breakfast on Pluto and Gus Mahoney from Bitter Harvest are distinctly different characters but I found them both to be funny in a sly, understated way.

I don't usually post to these boards but I'm hoping the distributors read these things and I figure the more posts the more likely it might at least be released in an art house theater in my area. I had to travel 50 miles from Providence, RI to Cambridge, Ma to see Sunshine. I was really disappointed when I read it wasn't going to be released in March but in September instead. So, I didn't mind the travel time (it's a pretty easy trip in the evening). We wound up really liking the theater (Kendall Square Cinema) and are actually looking forward to going back. I just found out that Sunshine is now playing in Rhode Island so I'll probably go see it again with my daughters.

Anyhoo, this looks like one of those anxiety-inducing films (think After Hours, the original Out-of-Towners) and I like what I see so far. Apropos of nothing, there is no way Cillian Murphy is 5'9". Seeing him in sneakers next to Lucy Liu (listed as 5'3"), also in sneakers my guess is 5'7" max. That is my height and my mom is 5'2" so I have a pretty good idea of what that looks like side-by-side. There is a scene in Sunshine where some of the crew are sitting and he is standing behind them and he is still only a head or so taller.


About his height - I didn't get that impression at all. He appears to be at least 5-6 inches taller than her. I think 5'9" is accurate. (btw, I'm also 5'3", and all the women in my family are in the 5'1"-5'4" range...and my father is 5'9". He appears to be the same height as my father, to me.)
