The clips I've seen of Lucy Liu are SO annoying!!I don't know if this is an adaptation and she's supposed to be a hyperactive but frankly, I think Cillian Murphy is far too good for a movie like this!!Bring on the insults!!

THE THE - This is the day, your life will surely change


maybe you should wait until the entire movie is released before making the judgment that "cillian murphy is far too good for a movie like this." it seems slighly premature.


Yeah as I said 'I think', that's an unsure phrase.Always one ain't there...?

THE THE - This is the day, your life will surely change


Well, I'm not completely sure but I think Lucy Liu's character is supposed to be annoying and over the top. Cillian's character is this lazy, video store guy who loves sitting on his couch getting his thrills through the movies. Then she comes along and stirs things up and suddenly his life actually is like in the movies. And then I think it's about him choosing what kind of life he prefers.

I'm really not loving the plot BUT since Murphy always have chosen very carefully among scripts before there must be something about the movie that I so far don't get so I'm going to give it a try.


As much as I agree on Cillian being a great actor(and too cute too), I like Lucy in the three clips, and as stormyeyes has said she's supposed to be this girl that brings drama into his life, so we can expect some drama from her character.


Cool, I've liked every one of his movies so far so I won't be missing it for anything despite doubts!

THE THE - This is the day, your life will surely change


me too, and I can't wait to catch this and The best time of our lives!


Aww that's another cast I'm not happy with...Keira knightley??Hardly the greatest actress, and Sienne Miller??At least he's getting more mainstream now:)

THE THE - This is the day, your life will surely change


I don't like him getting mainstream because most of the time mainstream movies are crap. But I'm sure he will play is part well as usual!

I know Keira and originally Lindsay got us Cillian fans panicking lol..at least with the worse of two evils gone, it's not so bad.


True, mainstream movies are usually *beep* But it means success for him so yay!

THE THE - This is the day, your life will surely change


i think what mainstream movies need is brilliant acting. therefore, i support indie actors who make the transition. if they choose decent scripts, of course :)


I know what you mean and I said the same thing. I think he's doing it because he's never done a comedy so he's giving it a go. He's very versatile and it really is a smart move on his part. Lucy Liu however bugs me in this role as well. We'll stand back to back and take on the insults together.


I think he's doing it because he's never done a comedy so he's giving it a go.

Isn't Intermission a comedy. And there was another film he did called Sunburn (haven't seen it though), that I think is a comedy.


Intermission was a comedy drama and an ensemble cast, this is straight comedy and he's the leading man.



I think that Cillian Murphy can make any movie great no matter how annoying the other actors are.


I can't wait to see this movie and I like both Lucy Lui and Cillian Murphy

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill



lucy lu was good in kill bill

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


I want to buy that crystal ball from you, dingus.

