The only reason I watched this was because of Tony Todd

Though I haven't really watched any films of his where he was the star. I remember seeing glimpses of him as a child when he was in the Candyman movies, and the latest movie I saw him in was in Final Destination 3, I believe. Anyway, I saw the trailer for this movie on another DVD and it seemed halfway decent. Boy was I wrong. Hopefully his other movies aren't as bad as this, since he does seem like a good actor. He totally fits the roles of the other movies I've seen him in though. And I guess he fit the bill in this one too, especially with his stature and the nature of Edward Hyde.


There were more than a few recognizable faces in this movie and they were all slumming in this picture. I not only decided to watch this because Tony Todd was in this, but also Tracy Scoggins and Tim Thomerson. Then there was the make up that John Carl Buechler would do and with all those elements I thought this would be a fairly entertaining movie.

I respect John Carl Buechler's make up artistry and I respect that he is the last of the make up rock stars from the eighties who are working (because he was intelligent enough to create his own opportunities), but his writing and directing leave much to be desired.

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