Filming Place

Anybody know where Saving Shiloh was filmed?


It was filmed just outside St. Louis, Missouri.


Filmed in a small town named Pacific Mo, abot 30 minutes outside of St Louis MO


Thanks for the info.


I'm from Pacific, Missouri and while most of the shots were taken in town, and at the local elementary school, other shots were taken in other rural areas surrounding the Pacific area.

Beautiful country out here!


I'm from Pacific too. I have yet to see this movie, but it was really cool that they decided to shoot the movie here.

“…And in a way I kind of, almost, could have the tiniest smidgen of respect for you… almost”


I live and work in Pacific. My job is three buildings down from the "Sheriff's Department" and barber shop in the movie, which was actually an old fashioned type store called Leah's Department Store which had been shut down for quite a while before being refurbished for the movie. The owner of the building left the set exactly as is after the movie and people can still glance in at it (and do sometimes from what I see).

It was a fun change of pace to watch the film crew work on slow days at work and they were fairly nice in a "be nice to the bumpkins" sort of way.


My father was in this movie, and he says that it was filmed near the Meremac River in Missouri.



That's pretty sweet, I live near state line between Kansas and Missouri, so where they filmed this movie is around 2 hours from where I live, which really isn't that far.

My name is Jason and yes I am a boy!


It was filmed around St.Louis. They asked for local movie walk-ons in the newspaper and I was planning on doing it. I am veryy upset that I decided not to...Jason Dolley is such a cutie & I didn't know he was gonna be in it! haha


in the movie, when they're on the bridge "interviewing" Jason's character, he is standing in front of my family's old Mill (so you can't actually see it in the movie). so, i've been on that bridge and swam in that river there. if only i would have known they were filming this, i would have gone down there! Jason Dolley is only a year younger than me, it would have been nice to meet him.
