Buy, Watch, Download?

Does anyone know where i can buy, watch or download this movie???


It is still doing the film festival circuit so that is really the only place to see it right now.

On March 3rd and 5th, 2007 it will play in 35mm at the 17th Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose, CA. It was one of the cinequest online Viewer's Voice short film winners last year. It is playing in front of the feature film Coma Girl at the the Camera 12 cinemas in downtown San Jose, CA.

It will also be screening in a touring technology & cinema festival in High-Def throughout 2007 that will hit a few U.S. cities and possibly London. These dates have yet to be announced.

At some point in the future, we will do our best to make it available to fans and the many who have requested seeing the film. Maybe an iTunes thing. Not sure.

For now...keep following for more info and festival screening dates.



Instead of sinking more money into it, Why not stream it on with a per per view? I'd gladly pay $5 or even $10 to see this tomorrow.


Some rights issues, related to festival only screenings. That type of thing.

Thanks for your suggestion and interest in the film. :-) We appreciate it.

THE RECE!PT will be screening/touring in the US and a bit overseas in the International Festival of Cinema and Technology throughout 2007 - mostly in the fall though. Dates have yet to be determined...but it should hit L.A. (again), N.Y., Orlando, London and maybe some others. Their website is They will screen a clone of the HD master telecined from the original 35mm negative and color corrected to vibrant colors in HD. Greater than we could achieve chemically on film. It is kind of exciting.


The Receipt can now be seen in its entirety, exclusively on

or just go there and search for "The Receipt."

