So Bad It's Actually Good

I never rate films based on the popular vote. Instead, I take several factors into consideration which includes, but not limited to, the film's story, acting, writing, entertainment, artistic appeal, expectations, and other technicals. I believe movies are only as good as what you take from it.

Off first glance, the film is an inaccurate representation of actual events with terrible acting, dialogue, lighting, etc. Everything is shot on a very low budget and the production looks amateur. There is little to no attention when it comes to conventional cinematography. Also, the dialogue is incredibly laughable when Ridgway has a difficult time recollecting a certain event in a certain year before suddenly remembering it like it was yesterday.

All in all, I found the movie to be highly entertaining and I became fascinated by Lommel's purpose in making Green River Killer. I think that he continually produces C-grade material to mock modern audiences. Wherever there is an audience, there is ultimately a film to be marketed. American audiences seem to be interested in variou crime productions such as CSI, Dexter, Law & Order, and a never-ending list of horror flicks. Could Lommel be making crappy movies as a tribute to how obsessed we've become to the same $hit on different days? For what it's worth, Lommel continues to succeed because he is still behind the camera and finding audiences.

Remember how the floating garbage bag represents a perspective of beauty in "American Beauty" and connects with the film in a surreal way? Well, the same cannot be said for Green River Killer. My favorite scene in GRK is where Gary is with his son by the creek (umm...river) and they start walking back home together. Suddenly, there is a close-up shot of a sock going down the 'river.' 6-8 cross-cuts between the two shots absolutely makes no sense or purpose which is why I couldn't help myself in bursting out loud with laughter. This is just a mere example of how flawed this movie is, yet it is starkly artistic at being inartistic.

With a very low expectation level, you too can enjoy Green River Killer for what it's worth.




I think you get the joke :)


There is movies that are bad and there is Lommel. It's just tragic, it's not even funny.
