Correct history?

In my historical understanding this is not what the Mayans did to the Mayans, but what the Aztecs did to the Mayans!

And, by the way, the comment below about oral sex is simply ridiculous ... what's wrong with that if they did so?


Well, your historical understanding is wrong then.


Please prove that to me!


good read here


Well, the last paragraph in the link tells a lot…

But I have another source of information that you may not believe in, which in that case is your problem.

I practice regression therapy, also incorrectly called “past-life therapy”, because it doesn’t always lead back to past incarnations but often as well to experiences in the childhood or even in the prenatal state. And I had just a few insights that way into the Maya’s history. According to such experiences, the Mayas were peaceful and spiritual and mainly even vegetarians. They had contacts for trade with the Aztecs, even though they didn’t like their way of life. The called them “blood drinkers”. Then Mayan priests had a future vision of their people being occupied by the Aztecs and advised the Mayas to escape out on the sea in rafts, which lots of them did. The Aztecs came as predicted, captured the Mayan territory and “aztecicized” the Mayas, more or less enslaving them. So they had to adapt to the Aztec style of life and with time became much like the Aztecs. Thus Aztecs and Mayas were mixed and one may question if whatever happened in the way the movie shows was done more by Mayas or by Aztecs mixing with them.

The Mayas who escaped out on the sea had a bad fate. The rafts were quickly assembled and the ties began to loosen from the sea water. Thus many of them drowned. But some reached Florida, where they survived for quite some time before they died out. There they built no pyramids and left no traces.

This will surely differ from conventional historical views, which, however, are not derived from witness reports but rather from theories and “laying puzzles” with available data. Experiences in regressions are witness reports, and if you don’t believe it, you simply ignore one valuable source of information.


Next time you regress back to ancient Maya days, check out the oral sex thing and get back to us OK?


In spite of your apparent ignorance I will only let you know that they practiced a kind of tantric sex.
As far as oral sex is concerned, I suggest that you try it out yourself.


LOL I don't believe a word you're saying but that's a good comeback.


Believe it or not - that's your problem ...


No problem, I'm sure you get this all the time.


Not very often, actually.
Most people are enough open-minded to at least regard it as possible.


That may be true, but I find that sort of "open-mindedness" has much in common with the gullible and superstitious nature that leads people to believe they can influence the outcome of events by, for instance, blood sacrifices. When you step away from insisting on rational reasons for believing anything, you step back in the direction of all that religious insanity.


There are perfectly rational reasons to believe in reincarnation.
To deny it as at least possible is either religious stubbornness or scientific narrow-mindedness.


I don't deny it as impossible, but I have no way of proving it one way or the other. It seems very unlikely though, and I suspect it's just wishful thinking to believe that we go on living after our bodies die. For any person to claim that they've witnessed events that occurred long before their own birth is not credible to me.


this dude is smoking some good *beep* Reminds of that mayan priest on top the temple having fun with the fumes.


Who? Quayno or me? Whatever, you seem to be a simple-minded ignorant.
But I am sure that you will learn in the future!
I don't smoke anything but wonder what you may be putting into your system?
The movie does much injustice to the highly developed Mayas and in that way is maybe as racist as being antisemitic. But it is well known that the Aztecs did such things. They occupied the Maya country and it could, however, be that then some "aztecicized" Mayas also did such horrible things.


They occupied the Maya country and it could, however, be that then some "aztecicized" Mayas also did such horrible things.
Can we stick with your historical understanding and subsequent logic, and suggest that that is what we witnessed in Apocalypto? Where did it say, through dialogue or legend that the people we saw living out their daily lives on the screen were orthodox Mayans, with no Aztec influence?

Your argument is flawed on numerous levels but I just thought that I'd offer you one example that your mumbo jumbo dream technique could not falsely disprove.

"I am not young enough to know everything"


For heaven's sake Apokalypto is just a movie and in no way a historical document! It is fiction and it is, therefore, futile to try to read facts out of it...
It proves nothing... A man with a certain personal idea made it into a story and that is all. It is his story and not history.


A man with a certain personal idea made it into a story and that is all. It is his story and not history.
Just like the guy who does your regression therapy, only Gibson gets paid better because he entertains more people with his yarns than just yourself.


In part there is something to it, as concerns the story in the movie.
But as concerns regression, there is more to it that some people don't (want to) understand. It is THERAPY! When properly done. People have their problems solved.
If you have, say, fears of height and have big problems when you get too far up and then you relive how you fell down from a mountain in a past life and died - AND then can release all the fear, panic and the physical pain - AND after that no more have these fears. What then?
If you can after that easily be on the top of a high tower and look down and the fear never comes back. What then?
Don't try to suggest that it isn't true. It IS TRUE!!! I am doing this since 30 years ...
Or if you have problems in relationships, negative patterns, blocks, any other kind of fear, and so on, or even a psychosomatically caused health problem and it is all solved by often only one regression(that lasts 4-5 hours). What then?
And if the person has tried almost everything else before and it didn't help, but the regression now finally solves the problem. What then?


It is important to keep am open mind. Do not let your brains fall out.
A rational discussion is superior. I'll need more rum for this one...



I have an open mind to a lot of spiritual stuff, but I never take any of it at face value anyway(rather with a BOULDER of salt). Having established my stance on the spiritual nature of what you say, I gotta say this; The Mexica(we incorrectly call them Aztecs) did not ever expand into Mayan territory. They traded with the Mayans, but didn't take over any of their territory. They only got to Totonac territory(kinda by Veracruz) and into Oaxaca(idk bout the spelling) So.. perhaps the Mexica got their hands on some good Oaxaca salvia D.(perhaps ur past life native was becoming one with the divine/universal tetris game of Salvialand??? - hence the poignent regressions??????...Again I take all spiritual stuff with a HUGE grain of salt.) but they did not expand into Mayan territory.

It's all in Conquest by Hugh Thomas. Great book!


Most people are enough open-minded to at least regard it as possible.
You most definitely live in California, or at least polled that part of the world.

"I am not young enough to know everything"



LOL! I am open to a lot of spiritual stuff, having eatin a lot of shrooms in quiet, wooded areas.... BUT... I really got to take a huge GRAIN of SALT when it comes to believing what goes on in ur mind as fact.. just sayin.. and see my response to his thing bout the Aztecs taking Mayan lands... well, it never really happened..


Experiences in regressions are witness reports, and if you don’t believe it, you simply ignore one valuable source of information.
No, I ignore one very dubious source of information.

So you've actually been many goofballs throughout history?


So I then take the liberty to ignore you ...
Past-life regression and regression therapy is an established procedure.
See, e.g., and an enormous amount of literature.
I have regressed several thousands in the last 30 years.
Have you been regressed? Probably not, but still you claim to know what you are talking about ...
"Critics are like eunuchs. They know how, but..."


o I then take the liberty to ignore you ...
Probably a good call, since I'll only ridicule you, just like they did when you were eaten by lions in the Colosseum.
Past-life regression and regression therapy is an established procedure.
See, e.g., and an enormous amount of literature.
Established by charlatans with a vested interest in promulgating nonsense to the gullible.
I have regressed several thousands in the last 30 years.
Several thousands of what? Past lives? Or dollars XD.
Have you been regressed? Probably not, but still you claim to know what you are talking about...
I don't need to be sodomized with a whiffle bat to know that's not going to produce any credible historical insights either.
"Critics are like eunuchs. They know how, but..."
How remarkable! People who do regression therapy are also like eunuchs. They think they know too.


If you wasn't there to see that mayans were peaceful and smart, or savage and smart. then don't act like you know what happened back then, you wasn't there, you don't know. just becuase some history book tells you so doesn't make so, historians weren't there either. they just take what info they have and make an opion of what they think they know.

So until one ya gets in a time machine and go back to that time to let me know how it was, your just voicing a opion no fact.

i can easy believe mayan sacerficed other mayans and at the same made a calendar that say the worlds going to end in 2012.

pluse this movie doesn't show all mayans as savages , the main character wasn't a savage.


So basically you're saying that "if you weren't there, it's all opinion" because they take "what info they have and make an opinion of what they think they know".

You should be a defense lawyer. I'd love to see you use that argument in court when presented with evidence.



hahahaha. So documented history is worthless cause we wasnt there. I'll agree that history from that long ago is going to be sketchy at best. But people dedicate their lives to deciphering this kinda info. Its not just some historian making up crap lol.

Seriously though, anyone who believes that stupid mayan calender 2012 *beep* are complete morons. I dont even understand why you think the 2012 doomsday thing is real. How could they even match the dates correctly if u think historians just make *beep* up? lol.

i especially like the comment about trying to use "you wasnt there" as a court defense lmao.



i just wanted to add that its rediculous to think people are "close minded" just because they wont take your word that you can do up some Assassin's Creed (the game lol) type of therapy.

When you get really defensive and cant offer any proof besides you just saying its true. You sound like a palm reader, or a fortune teller. It's the same type of thing isnt it? Except your "patients" are the ones making things up. How would you even know if they werent just screwing with you or making up some cool history to make themselves feel important.

As far as regressing into childhood. Isnt that what a lot of therapists go to school for 10 years to learn how to do? lol.


Still, it`s pretty hard to verify what is real and not in such therapy. Not accepting the flimsy notion of reincarnation I have little choice but to reject regression therapy as fantasy, and a dubious practice of nurturing the overactive imaginations of bored people. Naturally then, any insights gained into Mayan culture based on such daydreams are in my mind of little use in the real world.

Regardless of past lives and all that hokum, it is pretty easy to find out that the Mayan civilization went through different stages of development:
Classic phase ca 250-900 AD followed by collapse and a post classic period from about 1000-1450.
By the time of the Spanish arrival the Mayans had disintegrated into competing city states with failing agriculture, for debatable reasons. During this period incessant warfare combined with large scale human sacrifices are thought have been practiced, in an attempt to appease the gods. The raids seen in the movie are typically more associated with the Aztecs, but certainly occurred in Mayan culture as well during these later stages.
As in most imperial cultures, highly ritualized religious practices reduced the value of the individual to an expendable resource for the state, hence sacrificial ballgames etc. In times of trouble all you had to do was kill a few people on top of the pyramid and everything would be alright again. The Mayans were no better or worse than the Romans, Egyptians and Babylonians who all did almost exactly the same things, in different forms.

All your fantasies about vegetarianism and the noble Mayans are pretty worthless. As shown in the movie cannibalism was pretty common in many parts of the New World, including with the Mayans. This was one of the most cited reasons for repression of native American cultures by the Church, along with the varying standards when it came to nudity and human sacrifice. I`d read more and regress less if I were you.


You are correct when you say I don't believe in so-called regression therapy. You are mistaken, however, that this is MY problem. Outrageous claims require outrageous proof, and you offer none. This so-called therapy is not based in science, but in fanciful belief, and without offering any evidence, you certainly can't complain if most people quite rightly refuse to accept your nonsensical "testimony". I do, however, have a nice bridge, located in Brooklyn, which I will let you have for a very attractive price. No checks, please. Cash, in small bills.

"She was a long, tall, authentic blonde. I loved her as much as I loved my .45..."


i think you are right. i saw the movie today and i thought at first that it was mayan, but the god they called for the sacrifices i think it was aztec. the scenery looked more southamerican - amazonas) than mexican and the sourroundings with the stone pyramids were mexican.

i found the film very well made but a little too much...


Mister, what you are describing here is the most idiotic interpretation of mesoamerica history. Please stop your stupid regresions, the amount of *beep* written by you here is astounding.

First, the mayas were a warrior race, with multiple and constant wars between all the citi states.

Second, the aztecs never conquered the mayas, the aztec empire didn't occupy the Yucatán península.

Third the mayas didn't have the technology to cross the ocean and get to Florida.

Fourth, the mayans are alive and well today, never mixed with the aztecs, and right now are the second indigenous people in México in numbers and the language is still spoken by near 3 million people.

How can such an ignorant people like yourself consider themselves capable of answering questions like this is unbelievable.

Final point you are a moron.


Well, the last paragraph in the link tells a lot…

But I have another source of information that you may not believe in, which in that case is your problem.

I practice regression therapy, also incorrectly called “past-life therapy”, because it doesn’t always lead back to past incarnations but often as well to experiences in the childhood or even in the prenatal state. And I had just a few insights that way into the Maya’s history. According to such experiences, the Mayas were peaceful and spiritual and mainly even vegetarians. They had contacts for trade with the Aztecs, even though they didn’t like their way of life. The called them “blood drinkers”. Then Mayan priests had a future vision of their people being occupied by the Aztecs and advised the Mayas to escape out on the sea in rafts, which lots of them did. The Aztecs came as predicted, captured the Mayan territory and “aztecicized” the Mayas, more or less enslaving them. So they had to adapt to the Aztec style of life and with time became much like the Aztecs. Thus Aztecs and Mayas were mixed and one may question if whatever happened in the way the movie shows was done more by Mayas or by Aztecs mixing with them.

The Mayas who escaped out on the sea had a bad fate. The rafts were quickly assembled and the ties began to loosen from the sea water. Thus many of them drowned. But some reached Florida, where they survived for quite some time before they died out. There they built no pyramids and left no traces.

This will surely differ from conventional historical views, which, however, are not derived from witness reports but rather from theories and “laying puzzles” with available data. Experiences in regressions are witness reports, and if you don’t believe it, you simply ignore one valuable source of information.

Then again, if you're dead set in believing what you will, no amount of 'proof' will dissuade you, nor appear sufficiently legit.


Apparently so, since I linked that page in my first post to this thread...


You seem to have abandoned your own ridiculous thread, but I'm still curious--what would you have to say if some *other* "regression therapy" advocate popped in here and refuted your version of Mayan/Aztec history with his/her own, based on past lives that he/she "experienced"? Hmm? What then? How would you decide then who was correct???







Hi all ignorants!
Mayans and Aztecs knew about reincarnation (and many still do), and there is such a mass of evidence for it to day that it is simply naive to deny it as at least possible. But of course you don't know and don't want to know about that. Not my problem...
Past-life regression is not acknowledged by our so called "science", but that in no way means that what people experience isn't mostly true (admittedly not always the case).
According to such experience, the original Mayans were peaceful vegetarians, but they were invaded and occupied by the Aztecs some 2000 years ago. Thus they were "aztecified" and began to be as cruel as the Aztecs were, or the true Mayan priests were replaced by Aztec ones and carried out such cruelties. The movie might be regarded as as showing aztecified Mayans.
True Mayan priests saw this coming and advised people to make rafts and escape out into the sea before the Aztecs came. A lot of them did so, but many died on their way over the sea, since the rafts were poorly tied and after some time began to fall apart in the water. The rest reached Florida, where there was a Mayan community that with time died out, and that built no pyramids and, therefore, left no traces.
This is my last contribution - the last pearl I want to throw you...
Those who are able to understand will, the others may do as they want to.
I now cancel my subscription for this now OLD thread.


I believe in evolution still...but you shake my certainty because I find it hard to understand how people like you haven't been weeded out. Not enough lions, perhaps.


I agree that this movie is pretty inaccurate, but in the movie's defense, it's an epic Mel Gibson movie. Those are known for being historically inaccurate.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger



The movie isn`t meant to be historically accurate. In fact, Gibson deliberately blends things together so it will become clear to the audience that he is telling an allegory about power and oppression, and not a documentary story. Obviously it wasn`t clear enough... Perhaps some airplanes flying in the sky would have done the trick. I`ll suggest it for his next historical allegory.
And Lord of the Rings has similar allegories in it, yet I don`t see any complaints that it isn`t historically accurate anywhere. It may seem different, but it isn`t. They are both stories being told for a literary purpose, and not just to transport the audience to somewhere else for their amusement. You`re actually expected to learn something much deeper. So the problem is not the movie. It is illiterate people watching it who don`t understand the basics of story telling.
