MovieChat Forums > Apocalypto (2006) Discussion > One of the greatest political films of o...

One of the greatest political films of our time

The movie is essentially about a society that disintegrates because it eats its own. Any culture which enslaves and ritually kills its own people is doomed. The arrival of the Europeans at the end of the movie is almost unnecessary - they had destroyed themselves already. A horrible and epic film, IMO one of the best of the last decade. Hard to watch, and definitely not for the faint of heart.


What does this have to do with politics? Mankind was already doomed ever since it began, it's only a matter of time before it goes extinct. Society will always eat it's own. If you are as old as you look I don't think you've gathered much wisdom at all.


Yeah, 'coz being rude to someone on a message board always makes you sound so wise and intelligent.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I wouldn't actually call it one of the greatest myself, gav, but your comment is well taken. The scene where Jaguar Paw and his fellow villagers are taken as captives into the town square is really tragic — it's clearly a society that's become decayed and bankrupt, that's devouring itself in an attempt to survive.

One of the saddest moments in the film for me was the scene where Blunted's mother-in-law is turned loose by her captors, after dragging her out of the world she knew. She knows she'll be dead within days; she's a stranger there, and there's no-one will offer her shelter or food. And it's a pattern for what's going on around us — the world has certainly become very selfish and unfriendly.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
