MovieChat Forums > Apocalypto (2006) Discussion > Imagine the success and acclaim the film...

Imagine the success and acclaim the film would have received if ...

... they replaced 'Mel Gibson' by 'Quentin Tarantino' in the credits.

"Darth Vader is scary and I The Godfather"


Tarantino? Tarantino would have had the chase down the streets of Los Angeles, would have replaced the spears with Uzi machine guns, and would have given the Mayas chop-top yellow deuce coupes.

Tarantino doesn't have either the sensitivity to or understanding of tribal peoples. He only understands violence and huge pools of blood.

Tarantino? Puh.


jporter 6;

How refreshing to hear that!


"What is TRUTH?"


omg clearly cant read, can you? OP didnt say that Mel Gibson is a bad director and Tarantino is a better one, he just says that if this was a Tarantino movie it would get alot more recognition from Hollywood and the rest of the world cause Tarantino is Hollywoods little love child...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


I actually thought this thread was going to say, Imagine the success and acclaim the film would have received if Mel Gibson wasn't so insane and such a hateful person in real life.


The OP may be right, in that the film might've been better received if it'd been made by another director.

But frankly, it's Gibson's own damn fault. His reputation precedes him, and it's going to take a lot of time and rehabilitation for his films to be judged solely on their own merits again. He has no one to blame but himself.

I would hope that those who patronize Roman Polanski's films would gave Gibson's films the same chance.


I thought it would be "if the movie was spoken in English".


Honestly, I've seen more people continually criticize Gibson but give Polanski a pass rather than vice versa.


Isn't that funny? A convicted molester's work transcends his reputation, yet Mel Gibson, a man who SAID things just as offensive as Alec Baldwin's phone calls, is basically blacklisted from Hollywood.




Agreed. I don't get that either.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Or Woody Allen.


Yahh, too bad it wasn't made by a mean-spirited, intolerant, hate-filled liberal.


... they replaced 'Mel Gibson' by 'James Cameron' in the credits.

Fixed it for ya. :)

My name is Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius


....Mel Gibson would have directed THIS movie PRIOR to "The Passion of the Christ".

There. I corrected you all.
Don't forget prior to "Passion", Gibson was one of the most respected actors and filmmakers in Goyllywood.


Gibson had the same problem Orson Welles had in the aftermath of Citizen Kane. He could never get the type of funding for a major motion picture after being steamrolled by the Hearst machine, and The Magnificent Ambersons wasn't the big success that it should have been, as a result, because it received so little publicity. Apocalypto is Gibson's Magnificent Ambersons. Gibson is as toxic as Welles was in the 40s. But hopefully time will heal all, lol.


All it would take is for 90% of the liberals on this board and in life to Practice the same tolerance and acceptance that they preach

Sure mel said some things when he was drunk that he shouldn't have, you know what it happens, he made his ammends. but thats just not enough for the liberals

You don't have to stand tall, but you have to stand up!



"What is TRUTH?"


This article is very well done and sums up the whole thing better than I can say it. hance/


Very insightful article, thanks for sharing.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Tarantino rofl

C'mon man choose someone else

Tarantino would've butchered this to hell


Thanks for the replies, though some users didn't get my point ...

I didn't say what if Tarantino directed the film but what if, for the same identical movie, there was just one name instead of another.

I have the feeling that Tarantino became a brand name for guaranteed success no matter how predictable his movies became, while after Gibson's statements, he was done for it.

Some offenses are more forgivable in Hollywood than others. As a matter of fact, i wonder the opposite thing, what if instead of QT's name in "Django Unchained" they had Mel Gibson, I'm sure critics would've been shocked for the whole patronizing treatment of Black stereotypes, the blaxploitation of slavery etc. etc.

There seems to be a pavlovian negative reaction toward anything Mel Gibson does just because he said things ... some directors went further but didn't blacklisted for all that.

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather


Lol, I knew it was going to be something about replacing the director. Mel Gibson's personal life aside (I never really followed it except in a vague way), he's done some fantastic things in film and that's how I choose to look at him.
