
We do our children a disseriice by constactly filling them with "if you can dream it you can achieve It" and allowing them to feel that they should have success handed to them on a silverplatter on some reality tv show by age 13. Some of these kids are utterly stunned to discover they can fail to achieve something they really, really wanted at the exact moment they wanted to achieve it. It's sadly traumatic when they end up thinking they "didn't want it badly enough" because the possibility of someone else being better has been shielded from them all their lives.


This seems like flawed logic in regards to the show. Only one kid will win the whole thing, thus giving every other contestant a big lesson in rejection and loss. Trust me, I think we as a society do a huge disservice to kids by buying into the whole 'participation trophy' mentality, but I just don't see how SYTYCD is contributing to that issue. Kids got cut left and right during Academy Week and some of the took it really hard, so I think they understand it has nothing to do with not wanting it badly enough or whatever else... they knew that other kids had outshined them.


I agree. At least these kids have some talent. Think about all the talentless kids who buy the message.
