I'm going to say it!!!!

Was anyone not surprised that the African American pros picked the African American kids? Well comfort's girl is bi racial I believe, but I knew it from the start, I think the girl Sasha chose, I believe her name is Jordan, she was not the best dancer on her team. I wasn't surprised and before people start saying, racist, I'm not, I just thought this show was about talent and dance, not race. I actually think that the other hip hop pro who is African American, I don't know his name, i think he was the only one who choose someone of a different race, but I don't think he has any African American kids on his team.


I don't think it's race as much as it appears they chose dancers they felt most connected to. I believe one of the judges even told them to do so. I honestly felt each all star chose their "mini me." It was kind of weird but I guess if I was an artist by nature and had to choose a child that inspired me I'd probably choose someome very similar that I thought I could help be better than I am. That's just my take.


What belladoll317 said. Btw your question is dumb AF and reeks of selective ignorance. By your account couldn't we also ask: "Was anyone not surprised that the white pros selected the white dancers???" Bye.


I think the fact that you said "dumb af" is very telling of your maturity level, please get off the boards if you can't respectfully disagree with someone and also learn proper grammar.


This show has been about affirmative action (rather than talent) for most of its history. No-one should be surprised any more.


I love how the trolls come out when they can be anonymously racially biased, heaven forbid they choose someone, if they chose a white dancer they would complain that it was forced by the producers. How about we like them for how they dance instead of the color of their skin?


How do you know they didn't pick them because they thought they were the most talented and/or had the most potential?

The title is very telling, you seem very excited to project your own biases onto African Americans.

Let's say they DID pick the brown kids because they were brown, White people do this all the without question.

In fact, I don't believe a Black female has ever won this show. I remember a biracial-Black girl with a White mother won season 3 I think. The White (mainly female) audience almost always favor someone they see themselves in (other White females) or someone they see themselves with (males). It's called bias and the White majority are the worst culprits of it

I bet if I click on your name and check your history, I'll never find a post of you pointing this out with any other group of people (and I did check and not a peep about anyone else, surprise, surprise.)

Anti-Blackness strikes again


Who was Comfort supposed to pick? Phoenix? The girl who struggled with choreography but did amazing solos? Or Tahani? The girl that proved that she could do them both?

And what about Sascha? She chose Jordan because she's a great dancer. That tall girl looked awkward and even though she could dance, she wasn't better than Jordan IMO. Plus, they have to consider the pairing. You put her in the competition with JT and it could possibly kill both of their chances in the votes that week. How the hell would they do The Paso...with him holding her up or spinning her on the floor? Please😒

Zina ( The Original Princess)


Actually Sabra won season 3, black female, just saying, she beat out Neal that season.


What do you mean by "actually"?

She's the biracial-Black girl with the White mother that I mentioned in my first post.

She's mixed and my point still stands


Well all the white people choose white kids and the Latinos choose Latinos so why should black people be any different. I think the Asian guy choose an Asian kid but I don't remember him in the beginning so I'm confused about that.


Sheaden (aka Asian kid) was originally chosen by Joshua, a black man. It's a coincidence that he ended up with an Asian mentor. That being said, your point is mostly right. Most of the all-stars look like they could be related to their junior partners, to the point that it's almost weird. Even Paul and Ruby look similar although they are of different ethnicities. A person who didn't know anything about the show and tuned in last week might think it was bring your kid to work day.

"You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves . . . two grown men acting like . . . grown men!!!"
