MovieChat Forums > Futurama: Bender's Big Score (2007) Discussion > 3000 things we've learned from Futurama

3000 things we've learned from Futurama

Good news, everyone! I'm starting a thread that will list all the things that Futurama (the series, the movie[s], the comics, etc) have taught us!

I'll start us off:

1) A gallon of gas will cost 100 dollars in 2012.

2) Torgo's Executive Powder has many many uses.

3) East Coast and West Coast Rappers will reconcile their differences in 2308.

4) Never give your email address out.




12)The Universe ends at Dog Doo 8
13)You need moon sapphires to open the Gate of Kerash
14)Make damn sure to build your dark matter hauling tanker with 6,001 hulls.


15) Theres a Fishy Joes on every plaent expect McPluto
16) Santa lives on Neptune
17) The best hemisphere on Mars is the Western



23)Uranus name changes to Urectum
24)Nixon will rise again
25)Robots fart green house gases


26) Dont Trust sweet little old ladies (especially ones named mom)



28) Never fall into a cryogenic chamber unless you want to meet a girl named leela
29) Never trust naked aliens that want your e mail address
30) In the 31st century, only leela's family and herself have one eye
31) Solent Green is people
32) Fry has a tatoo of bender on his ass
33) People in the future can live really, really old (Like Prof. Farnsworth)
34) Hovercars really DO become real
35) Tyler Durden isn't real
36) Bender can't move when he's knocked on his back
37) Never trust Mom
38) Ships named "The Titanic" are destined to be destroyed, even in the future
39) Never trust an omicronian
40) One day, sardines will disappear
41) In the future, sardines still suck
42) It was Norman Bates all along
43) If your a hippie, don't eat ploppers
44) In the future, hippies still suck
45) Fry is his own grandfather
46) In the future, Santa is real (just like in the present)
47) In the future, Santa is a machine, he's evil, and he seems to like Zoidberg
48) The seventh sin is the Wrath of Brad Pitt


50.) Its fun to open sentences with good news, everyone! or the like
51.) You can die, and still live with your head in a jar
52.) Porn is more important then getting a virus


58) Never let a robot get sober


59) When fighting Space Invaders, you need to shoot where they will be, not where they were.


50) In the future, heads can live apart from their bodies
51) Make sure to hide your 7-leaf clover in a safe that can't be broken open with explosive play-doh.



56) Bender should not be allowed on TV.
57) Bender should not be allowed to time travel.
58) Bender should definitely not be allowed to kill Fry.
59) Hypnotoad can make you kill yourself.



65) Most 80's albums are still good in the year 3000+ apart from Sports by Hughy Lewis


149. Scooty-puff junior suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks
150. The sandwich-based platform always comes out on top
151. 20th century colleges are essentially daycares
152. The bars on the orphanarium windows seem so much thicker when you're young
153. He's dead, jim


56) Fry is immune to brain waves
57) You still have Zoidberg, YOU ALL STILL HAVE ZOIDBERG
58) It's better to have a mermaid with a fish upper half but human bottom half
59) Bender is, in fact, the evil one
60) Scruffy is the janitor

"What if that thing I just said?" - Philip J. Fry (Futurama)


61) Bender cost Gore the election.
62) In stark contrast to his campaign persona (which also cost Gore the election), Gore does have a sense of humor.
63) VW buses run forever.
64) The FOX network is, and always shall be, run by venal idiots.
65) Limbo jokes sound funny, but usually aren't.



66.) In 2308, after Bender disrupts the Noble Peace ceremony between East Coast and West Coast rappers, we know he will deploy decoys and destroy New York City
67.) Petroleum reserves run dry in 2038, causing Mobil Dick Whale Oil Co. to become lead fuel supplier
68.) In 2443, apparently most videotapes are destroyed with the second coming of Christ
69.) Zoidberg, even though obviously a decapodian, can be passed off as a hard-shelled whooping terrier
70.) Apparently in the future, stocks are worthless if you can buy five shares for only a penny
71.) The invisible dog gag we love today is a real breed of dog in the future
72.) Not only is Soylent Green people, but so is Soylent Cola, and the taste is said to vary person to person
73.) 20 billion candy hearts launched into a quasar can produce a phenomenon known as "love radiation"
74.) In the future, because Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms as president, he is honored in the head museum with two heads, one head in jar before Benjamin Harrison and one head in a jar again after him...cloning perhaps?
75.) In the year 3000, both Cap'n Crunch and Count Chocula have been promoted as evidenced by the now called "Admiral Crunch" and "Archduke Chocula"...hope they taste as
76.) The New Year's ball is no longer in Times Square but is the moon itself
77.) Pyramids can levitate and rotate in the year 3000
78.) A robot antenna is the equal of the human wang-dang-doodle
79.) Any former president's head can be re-elected for a third term if they procure a robotic new body
80.) Tattoos can talk in the future
81.) Time particles or "chronitons" can age mutant atomic super-men and make time skip randomly, but mixed with tar, they can cause someone to grow younger
82.) F-rays can see through anything and kill sperm too
83.) An account with less than a dollar in it will have 4.3 billion dollars in it within a 1000 years due to interest
84.) Zoidberg's race of Decapodians are the reason the anchovy goes extinct in the 2200's, save for one can Fry bought in an auction, which Zoidberg ate
85.) There is a hell built for robots and it is in New Jersey
86.) Mars and Venus are terraformed in the future
87.) Cows and their milk and meat are replaced by large beetle like creatures called buggalo
88.) Aliens love our sitcoms and attack us when the signal goes out
89.) Caffeine speeds up evolution in the future...making the folk of sunken city of Atlanta turn into mermaids fairly quick
90.) Old people are taken to an old folk retirement place called the "Near-Death Star
91.) Eating an egg salad sandwich in the future makes you more intelligent and's the worms
92.) Putting metal in the microwave in the presence of an exploding supernova makes time travel possible
93.) Sylvester Stallone's skeleton is in the La Brea Tar Pits
94.) Boneitis is a horrible but curable disease...if acted upon in time
95.) Heart attacks are curable
96.) Using a robot for brewing beer is the equal of making it pregnant
97.) Seven-leaf clovers make 4-leaf clovers look unlucky
98.) Boxes in other universes are different colors than in ours
99.) God is a giant galaxy like entity
100.) The U.S. has taken over the globe, as seen by the future flag


101. Beck still sucks in the future (for those of us who are not Beck fans)
102. Simon And Garfunkel, like LZ, will reunite, but as Silon (s/p?) and Garfunkel, the previous being a robot from Battlestar Galatica and Garfunkel is an decendent of his bloodline.
103. Beasty Boys have produced two more albums since Fry was frozen.
104. Apparently there could be a duplicate of yourself with different facial and body features that can interact with you at first before you could create the double of yourself. So it's possible that the future's past can happen before you realize it. (Lars Fillmore is Fry that lived 12 years after 2000, and he interacted with himself (the Original Fry))
105. Zoidberg thinks that a sandwiche is worth something instead of his stocks.
106. Limboing is now an official sport in the Olympics.
107. Some guy dressed up in a white robe with a number 9 on it is always in the background in some episodes.
108. Garbage pollution can be easily solved with simple connections with the Mafia and NASA in order to build a garbage rocket.
109. Time Paradox duplicates are doomed from the start of creation.
110. If you're Bender, you can get away with anything with no consequences.

I like this topic, I like to see more of this pull through. :)




113) Al Gore will have ridden the Mighty Moonworm


114. French will be a dead language
115. Gum will come in pork flavor
116. Whoever wrote #101 is full of crap. BECK IS A GOD!
117. Cows will become extinct
118. Zoidberg is extremely gullible, especially under the influence of traveling salesmen
119. Colgate 7 is the Toothbrush capitol of the universe
120. Wayans heads will be sold 3 for a dollar
121. Lucy Liu will own the largest gold nugget in the world, one mile in diameter
122. Zapp Brannigan has two main obsessions: Leela and velour
123. The moon's only real attraction will be an amusement park
124. Any email saying you've won the Spanish National Lottery is probably a scam...


125.) Toxic waste taste like fig pudding but has the distinct aftertaste of toxic waste
126.) Dead whales can fit through sewer holes for dumping
127.) Milwaukee will be known as the most romantic city on Earth
128.) It is possible to flush an unexploded nuclear missile, and it is worshiped by mutants
129.) That in 1947 the U.S. military can make a UFO from Bender's ass
130.) Starbucks is so popular that the sewer mutants have one too
131.) Suicide booths will be created sometime in 2008...not long now lol
132.) The faces on paper money can talk
133.) A "Tricky Dick fun bill" of $300 is self-deducting when used in vending machines
134.) The Space Pope is reptilian
135.) The quickest way to Amy's bed is through her parents, sleep with them and you're in- Zapp Brannigan
136.) Drinking a bottle of water on an unknown planet will make you an Emperor
137.) By academic standards in the year 3000, a college dropout is merely a high school drop-out
138.) Fry and Zapp Brannigan will destroy the Hubble Telescope
139.) There's whalers on the moon and they carry a harpoon, but because there aren't any whales, they sing tall tales and sing an annoying whaling tune
140.) Catching the bouquet at a funeral means you'll die next
141.) Cotton candy is replaced by Orlon Candy
142.) Aliens visited Egypt in ancient times and learned from them pyramid building, space travel and how to prep the dead as so to scare Abbott and Costello
143.) One Australian man is used on several planets as a slave laborer
144.) Commercials will be advertised in dreams
145.) Neptunians make good chefs and elf-like toy makers
146.) The rulers from Zuban 5 are mummified into jerky, both original and teriyaki
147.) Electricity is the robot equal of heroin
148.) Star Trek and Oprah have their own religion


149.) In the 27th century, a super villain is elected Governor of NNYC and steals all the monuments of the world
150.) Robo-puppy is cute but annoying
151.) Global warming is canceled out by nuclear winter
152.) Starting in 2063, Large cubes of ice are dropped into the ocean to combat global warming
153.) The only source of ice without bugs in it is mined from Halley's Comet
154.) The kegelcizer machine...any women who know what I am talking about...'nuff said lol
155.) You can clone people from warts
156.) Make sure to use your gas wisely when cruising on Mercury
157.) Flame decals make a spaceship go faster...according to 12-year old logic
158.) Jupiter smells like strawberries, while Saturn smells like pine needles
159.) The American Automobile Association(AAA) is expanded to the Austro-Afro-Antarctico-Amer-Asian Automobile Association or Septuple-A
160.) Sex monitoring chips and career chips are mandatory
161.) Fishing licenses can also be mandatory
162.) A box of popcorn when launched into the sun, will pop and create a spiraled popcorn nebula
163.) Sonic Diarrhea is fatal
164.) Fruit Salad grows on miniature trees
165.) Illegal fireworks and crack are widely available in vending machines
166.) High grade bureaucrats love filthy slobs
167.) Huge pill-like suppositories can help you withstand crushing pressures of deep ocean floor
168.) Miraculously a cigar can stay lit underwater and burn down an underwater house
169.) Spices can be shot out of a weasel's nose by pulling it's tail and squeezing its body
170.) The talking chihuahua from Taco Bell has an ancestor who is a doctor at Taco Belleview hospital


171.) People will be able to make robot versions of their favorite celebrities.
172.) Slinky's are unrepairable and burst into flames.
173.) Evil twins do exist.
174.) Any type of sing-a-long by Futurama characters is a very bad idea.
175.) Humans can be entered in dog shows.
176.) Harlem Globetrotters are also genius mathematicians.
177.) A robot connected to electricity is the equivalent of a human on drugs.
178.) It will take years to log on to AOL.
179.) The internet will be full of spam, oh wait, it already is.
180.) Fox network execs are idiots who can't make up their minds.
181.) Robots have square pupils.


182. The letter that looks like a little man with a hat goes "ta"


184. George washington hawked his teeth for booze money
185. fire, indeed hot


186. everybody loves hypnotoad starts to decline in the third season

i just keep thinking of them, i cant sleep!


187. The globetrotters save all the good algebra for the final minutes
188. You don't need courage when you have a gun
189. Everyone was naughty except Zoidberg
190. Sometimes Kitten-class warships don't cut it
191. The Brain leaves for no raisin


192.) Police batons will look like lightsabers
193.) Albino shouting gorillas can profess the inventor's love for someone through electro-shock
194.) Eating hippies makes you high
195.) What-if machines can tell you stuff you wish could happen in your life, but won't
196.) Al Gore was a secret leader of the Vice Presidential Action Rangers, a secret group, but don't tell
197.) Guns will be wind-up and play pop goes the weasel
198.) You can make sangria in the terlet but its shank or be shanked
199.) Roseanne will be your holographic guide to the world of facts
200.) Radical treatments can make you youthful in appearance through stem cell cream or thin through a belly piercing
201.) Queen Elizabeth had her wild years
202.) Antiquing is something Bender would almost never say
203.) Drinking a hundred cups of coffee in rapid succession will give you super-human speed
204.) A miracle cream can also give super powers to humans
205.) Actors, even the robotic kind, will still lie about their age
206.) Hitler, Manson and the Knight Rider car all have evil parts harvested for Project Satan
207.) Anti-Chrysler is the robot form of the Anti-Christ
208.) Human ghosts will die out, leaving only robot ghosts
209.) Ed Begley, Jr.'s electric motor is the most evil propulsion system ever conceived
210.) Broken cups can reform themselves


211. decapodians cough up blue jewels when they get too much dirt stuck in their throat
212. magnets on a robot's head can disrupt a robot's inhibition unit
213. only stupid people join the reform party
214. bender is great!
215. girls who wear lime green tank tops have no taste
216. when leela's brain feels better and more cognitively competent she just kind of blurts out "in cognitive faculties!"
217. west virginia splits to form west and east west virginia
218. Beck has a washboard player and a microphone
219. crazy eddie can control his small explosions with some medication
220. Beck forgot what "devil's haircut" was about
221. dollar bills caught in the wind can magically try and use itself in a vending machine
222. Beck weighs 8 pounds in the future
223. Nevada changes to Nukevada in the future
224. Fry's friends are worthless to him
225. Pauly Shore thinks time is cyclical

eddie vedder rawks mah sawks =D


226. It is possible to turn robots into humans through reverse fossilization, but only in the Tales Of Interest 2.
227. Dolomite (S/p), while an actualy mineral, is a fossilize material in the show, which can make Fry's dog live again through science.
228. You can have the smartest alien race in the entire universe (Niblonians), only to be defeated by three naked alien scammers with chairs. WITH CHAIRS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
229. Forget laws of time travel entirely when it comes to Futurama.
230. With the Robot Devil's hands you can play a hard instrument (the name escapes me right now)
231. Hypno Toad is number one show, but you won't see me watching it if I was in Futurama.

My apolagies for Beck fans, but fact 101 was only meant for the Anti-Beck fans.


232.) Al Gore finally saves Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows
233.) Nixon's baaaaack!!!
234.) Morbo will destroy you
235.) People still wont know what Kwanzaa is in the future
236.) Chanukah is represented by a zombie
237.) Coolio will have his face on a 2996 quarter
238.) Atlanta will move offshore in an effort to boost tourism and become a bigger Delta hub then sink
239.) When Shatner directed Star trek V he got a great performance out of himself because he respected himself so much


240. If you're naughty Santa Claus will "shove coal so far up your chimney, you'll be coughing up diamonds"

241. If you beat up people for protection money you are naughty,

242. If you don't pay your protection money you are exactly as naughty

243. If you are still naughty, Santa will "tear off your skin like wrapping paper, and deck the halls with your guts"

244. If Santa doesnt complet his brutal rampage, it doesn't count as Xmas

245. Santa gets New Orleans on his Channels

246. Your misletoe is no match for his T.O.W missle

247. Santa doesnt need to check his list twice,.............he performs 50 megachecks per second

248. Santa still uses paper, even though he's a robot

249. Santa will kill anyone who impersonates him when u least expect it.........NEXT XMAS !!!!!!!!!!

250. Santa friggin Rocks !!!!!


251. David Duchovny is an acting robot later to be known as calculon

252. By the year 3000 "ask" will become "axe", "can I axe you something?"

253. Christmas trees will eventually be palm trees

254. The "I like big butts" song will be considered classical music

I don't have a sign off message, or do I?


255. The Sub-sewer is only a myth
256. Jackin' On is bad for you
257. Some planets and civilizations are insignificant
258. death by snu-snu is a good way to die
259. First the beutiful women, then the large women, then the petit women, then the large women again.
260. No glove no love
261. Space honey: 1 spoonful to help you feel better 2 spoonfuls to help you sleep 3 three spoonfuls to put you in a coma
262. When lost in space make sure you have a small piano
263. These hands keep touching me in different places.


264. Tijuana is the heart of the USA.



266. Postal glue comes from frogs.

267. Star Trek will become a religion...its followers will die in by being pushed in a volcano.

268. Humans have a natural pocket that can keep their hands warm. *note* Never let strangers pick your pocket *Bigger note* don't let friends pick it either.

269. Snoop Dogg will be a supreme court justice.

270. Gargoyles go to college.

271. Gargoyles have a French accent.

272. There are no rain forests on earth.

273. To combat global warming, Earthicans will get ice from Haley's Comet...and like all of our other natural resources, we tap it out.

274. If you are a cuddly bear and you live in Milwaukee, never visit a bear hospital.

275. There are still crack houses but wait for a $300 tax refund and visit crack mansion.

276. Crack heads still have to pay taxes.

277. PAY YOUR TAXES... big time!

278. Bigamy get legalized.

279. Baseball gets jazzed up. (Finally)

300. There will be a city built over New York (New New York...YO!) and it will still contain a Apollo theatre.

I already did! - Fry


301. Sometimes when you do something right it feels like you did nothing at all.
302. The sticky stuff on postage stamps is made from CORRECT, TOAD MUCUS.

I'm your Huckleberry


303. Just because you we´re invited to a dinner by the most famous chef in the universe, doesn´t mean you don´t have to pay what you eat.
304. It only takes 5 seconds to get from the Earth to the Moon
305. If you are going to make a human belt in space to stop a ship carrying dark matter, it probbably won´t work.
306. Technically, this is the year of the suicide booths (quick and painless or slow and painful? now it will be YOUR choice)
307. you stil can have a normal life even if your back has been confunded for a bar of metal by a bending robot.
308. Ebay still sells a lot of junk.
309. You can have your hands restored if the are eaten by a Thiranosaurus Rex
308. I think the Hypnotoad is hypnotizing everybody,,,oh, hi Hypnotoad,,,,,oh, men,,, ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD


309. DON'T make a deal with the Robot Devil.
310. The holophoner is too complex for the feeble mind to fathom.
311. "You CAN solve all your problems by freezing them!"
312. Dolamite pwns every metal we've ever known; it can survive in lava! [for a little while, at least.]


313. Robots can´t cook,,, they have terrible taste.
314. Robot Mafia have the most dangerous weapon: Clamps
315. If you have two civilizations, one in your chest and other in your butt, it's highly probabbly they destroy each other because the 'butt civilization' don´t believe in you.
316. Lucy Liu is a robot lover (that´s really a deception for my heart)
317. Dont pee in a planet of robots,,, really, is very dangerous.
318. Beef jerky is made by alien pharaohs... delicious,,,I think.
319. Snu-snu is bad for your hip,,, BUT WHO CARES?


320. Its possible to be your own grandparent.
321. Robot heads can live in a hole for 1000 years and still function.
322. Theres no littering in New-New York in 3000.
323. LA still has kids walking around with guns in the year 3000.


324. No weapon in the future does as much damage as a stabbing knife.

325. Wedding ceremonies no longer start off "Dearly Beloved."

326. They start off more honest "Dearly Liked..."

327. Bender is the greatest!

328. Narwals... I honestly did not know what this was before Futurama. How sad is that!

329. Comedy Central will still exist.



330. A blueprint of a computer could ve very erotic depending on your model number.
331. Scientists will still trying to prove that monkeys are as smart as humans(even smarter)
332. If you are accused of a crime, never let a giant blue bird deffend you at trial.
333. Robots and penguins can make ideal love partners.
334. The half of Mars will be owned by chinese people.
335. The first men in the moon had harpoons.
336. Robots wears false jewelry.
337. Censorship bars are kinda fashion.
338. The Simpsons are fictional characters.
339. Not all 21st century people adapt themselves to live in the 31st century.
340. Learn to kill the last ship in Space Invaders: you could save the Earth someday.
341. Militia plays Centipede.
342. Internet still is for porn.
343. If you are you own grandfather, your brain doesn´t emit Delta waves.
344. Mom and Farnsworth where lovers... (puaj).
345. Owls will become the future rats.
346. Kids have their own utopias in deserted towns,,, until their mothers came to pick them.
347. Burocracy is still annoying,,, and slower.
348. Also learn to get as low as posssible as Limbo,,, you could save your friends to end in a black hole.


349. Scruffy's gonna die the way Scruffy lived
350. The Safety Dance wasn't as safe as everyone thought it was.
351. The Breakfast Club soundtrack can clear the room at the end of a reception.
352. The hat goes on the head! (It's all so logical now.)
353. You can part with just one Doomsday Device and still be feared.




355. The alien symbols REALLY mean something... even something irrelevant.
356. I has been 8 years and 5 days (in january 4, 2008) since Fry fell down in the cryogenic tube.
357. Nibbler poops dark matter (handle it hygienically)...
358. ... and eats a lot...
359. ... and is a guardian of the Earth...
360. ... and all of his kind think they´re cutes...
361. ... and Leela agrees with that...
362. ... but Bender doesn´t...
363. ... but still has to put the dark matter into the motor of the ship...
364. ... so Bender needs plastic bags.
365. The crane games are good training for piloting interstellar ships.
366. If you are in a plane, winning all in the casino, but there´s is a gremlin destroying the plane, then: you are Hitler... and Eva Braunn is a giant fly.
367. Aliens destroy everything, except for Cryogenic labs.
368. The thing that made Zoidberg a doctor: his nice clothes.
369. A good bureaucrat always put five seals in documents... no more, no less


370. Bender's email address is [email protected]


371. Ads in the internet are now flying buzzard ready to peck your eyes out in a desert wasteland part, plagueing you with advertisements.
372. You can have a hot body but people will still think you're ugly with one eye (except Zapp Brannigan and Fry).
373. Robot's fates are determined by a wheel in Robot Hell, including the Robot Devil.
374. Mucus from Zoidberg is actually worth wearing as jewelery.
375. There is always repeated facts in this list of 3000 things we learned in Futurama (it's true you know).
376. Hypno Toad is the most repeated.
377. Dancing in a disco style in protest translate as a prayer to the gods for a gift, usually a Trans Am.
378. Put a magnet on Bender's head makes him sing folk songs uncontrollably.
379. The Crushinator is the better looking robot daughter according to Bender.
380. Robots according to the Past-o-rama that made cars in the 20th centuary are equivalent to cave men.
381. Bender's butt is not reliable in rear-end collisions.


382. Human Bender doesn't get good reception on his antenna.
383. Eating a Fresh Egg Salad Sandwich from a mensroom vendor is good for your health.
384. Robots are made from old beer cans, and beer cans are made from old robots.
385. Kittens give Morbo gas, and Morbos stomach is hideous.
386. The last human ghost died around year 2800.


387. you only need 40% of your rectum.
388. by 2012, the north pole pill have melted. GO HUMANKIND!

"i got rubies, bitches..."


389. Perform virus scan before u d/l porn.



Todays Ass-ignment, Kicks some @$$


391. If your name is Fry, then the transportation tubes will not brake you when you arrive to your destiny... and you will smash your body in a wall.
392. I need to be a broken robot, to go on a tour with Beck...
393. ...or a very good robot actor.


394. Oh, yeah, I Forgot: You can see a educational movie and a good porn movie...all iin the same download.


395. One of Panucci's regular customers is Stephen Hawking.

396. Centaur racing will become as popular as conventional horse racing.

397. Nibblonian leavings are the spaceship fuel of the future.

398. Martians are from Mars and Venusians are from Venus.

399. You can easily outfit your next Himalayan expedition at Ed's Hiking Supplies & Spelunketeria


400: Sex is an Olympic sport
401: You have to be really old to rent ultra porn
402: Bender, among other robots, have gaydar
403: Do not sleep in torpedo bay #3
404: Rubbing cheetah blood on an object makes it go faster
405: Nobody does it like Molten Boron
406: Death Clocks exist and are accurate up to a few seconds, give or take for free will


3000: This post should have been p00ted under uhh the show: Futurama


407: The Ansjovis fish went extinct coz Zoidberg's people ate them all.


408: Kittens Give Morbo Gas

Maddeningly Unhelpful- As Usual


409: BIG BROTHER may or not be watching.



''I Am McLovin'' SuperBad


411. Big can opener is a mortal enemy of Bender.
412. Bender is Made in Mexico.
413. Bender stole Amy´s wallet (and Fry´s, Leela´s, etc. etc.)
414. Bender´s apartment have a very big closet.
415. Bender is almost identical to Flexo.
416. Bender´s first words (in the series) were: 'Kiss my shiny metal **s'
417. Bender could die of 'extreme fatness' if he´s transformed in human.
418. Bender hates humans.
419. Bender never misses 'All my circuits'
420. Bender is good at poker (not exactly by his luck).


428. Never put metal objects in the could jump in time.
429. Fry love Lucy Liu.
430. Bender loves Lucy Liu.


458. Futurama: IN Color
459. You must let the aliens finish to see Ally McBeal.
460. Planet Nintendo 64 doesn´t have quarters.
461. Penguins can use shotguns.


422. The Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock.

No one shoots at Santa Claus!


423. Alt. Universe Doubles Arent Always Evil
424. Never Go Camping In The Future Or You Will Get Your Nose Stolen For Werid Aline Foreplay

''I Am McLovin'' SuperBad


425. Kittens give Morbo gas.

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here.


426. The motto of the Neutral Planet (written on their capital building) is "Live Free or Don't."


427. The hat goes on the head.

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here.


428. Bender's great, you stink, deal with it.
429. Earth is easily invaded
430. Niblonians were around before the big bang
431. Space bee toxin is worse than being impaled by a space bee stinger
432. There is no 2
433. Ron Popeil invents the technology to keep heads alive in jars
434. Morbo and Richard Nixon are close friends
435. Nixon's pro-war and pro-family
436. There's a waiting period for doomsday devices
437. Scruffy enjoys $300 haircuts


438. Barbado Slim is the only man who had won olympic gold medals in limbo and sex
439. the grand prise in the spanish national lotery is $400
440. the code for time travel is 001100010010011110100001101101110011 but you shouldn't use it more than 3 or four times, 6 max


441. Soylent Soda varies from person to person.


442. Nobody doesn't like molton boron
443. Futurama doesn't advocate the cool crime of robbery
444. Rosanne is your guide to the world of facts
445. Al Gore will be a New York cab driver in 2012
446. Robot plumbers will be able to help with an impacted bowel

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here.




447: All you have to do is hit the bullseye, then the rest of the dominoes will come tumbling down like a house of cards! Check-Mate!
448: Micro-brewed beer tastes better
449: Killbots have a preset kill ratio that causes them to shut down when they reach it.
450: With Zap Brannigan, EVERY mission is a suicide mission


451: Rock crushes scissors...but paper covers rock, And scissors cuts paper! we have a conundrum..
452: It's pronounced: Champagne (shampain).
453: Don't get your panties in a knot.
454: Everybody wants to be like germany, but does everybody really have the pure strenght of will?!
455: Jewish robots believe that robot jesus existed and was a well built robot, but he wasn't their messiah.
456: Love it or Shove it.


457:Bender is the Greatest and we are all chumps and chumpettes

''I Am McLovin'' SuperBad



463) Thompson's Teeth are the only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth


464) Scruffy's never seen you before neither.

465) If you promise not to sue them you can shove popplers up your nose.

466) Wearing a tuxedo is called class you yokel.

467) Bender piloting the ship with his ass is the greatest thing Fry ever saw.

468) You don't want to know who's behind toothpaste comes from.

469) Fan beats man.

470) When selling children as livestock make sure to be honest about the price. Otherwise your just adding onto the list of charges.


480) mom's idea for a weapon is a cute little kitten that shoots death beams from its eyes insted or rainbows

481) If leela was a tiny bit impulsive she would become a killer

482) professor farnsworth's idea of using a guinea pig is using it for bait to catch zoidberg

483) if fry never came to the future al gor and a bunch of nerds will try to kill him

484) every religion is wrong according to the nibblonians

485) when giant brains come to earth fry will be the only one unaffected because he's "special"

486) sub-mutants are a sub-urban legend

487) when pine trees were wiped out peoples perception of hot and cold went with them

488) amy enjoys going to the back of guys cars for coffee





491. Soylet Cola taste depending on the person used
492. Everyone on Santa list is bad, all but Zoidberg
493. Jesus is a Zombie
Fire Ball(1dmg)
Your Dead!
I Win!


Make sure to cut the hand off on the person you're about to steal from.


495. In the future, Gumby and Hercules will have a child, Gumbercules.
496. By jack-knifing from comet to comet, you should get some sort of acceleration boost... or something.
497. Bender's least said word is "antiquing."
498. If you want a box hurled into the Sun, you've got to do it yourself.
499. In the future, there is such a thing as "Ultra-Porn." And apparently you need to be older than 57 to buy it.
500. When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
501. God knows what you're going to do, unless you do something different.
502. When aliens finally destroy civilization as we know it, they'll leave the cryogenics building intact.
503. The most important part of battle is the element of surprise. Surprise!
504. We're boned.


502. When aliens finally destroy civilization as we know it, they'll leave the cryogenics building intact.
Those weren't aliens, it was Bender and the Swedish police force.


503. Sex becomes an Olympic sport. LOL I laughed so hard when hermes said that.

Boogie Woogie Feng Shui


"484) every religion is wrong according to the nibblonians "

How do you mean according to the nibblonians?

*carefully puts the lid back on the can of worms and steps away from the internet"


What's this? A can of pringles? Don't mind if I do...

Duh! All religions are equally wrong, especially Christianity! If Noah's ark landed in the middle east, then how did all the polar bears get across the desert to Greenland and all the koala bears get across the ocean to Australia??


504: Ron Popeil invented the veg-o-matic, spray-on-hair, and the ability to keep human heads alive in jars.

505: Superintelligent bowler hat wearing monkeys will eventually wind up in business school.



507: The most erotic part of a woman are the boobies.


508: It doesn`t matter if you get exposed to toxic radiation as long your hair looks good.


The cake is a lie....


509. Seymour never added any more songs to his repetoire.
510. Fry and Seymour ruined this sidewalk.
511. You can solve all your problems by freezing them.
512. Dolomite is a tough black mineral that won't cop out when there's heat all about!


513. bender was one of the aliens blowing up the city in the pilot.


514: Hiking is hard on the buttocks
515: Nobody in the future knows what the wheel is
516: Scratch lotteries work by smell
517: The best person to run your busines is "That Guy"!
518: Escape plans are normally kept next to your heart
519: Deliveries still take like 7 seconds in the future
520: Blackholes and nerds don't need lunch
521: You can make a buckload of cash from delivering newspapers
522: Bigfoot lives to at least 80
523: People in Universe 25 didn't see anything... EVER
524: The bible is the real good news
525: It's more personal to write a letter in your own ink!!!
526: Bender has a king mode
527: Apparently shape-shifters can't alter the one body part that counts
528: A lion can be raised a vegatarian... cough
529: Finishing a job with a second to spare gets you demoted
530: Phillip J. Fry is the first man on Mars


531: *scratch**sniff* Cherry.,*scratch*sniff* CHERRY!,*scratch*sniff* Mule.... I'll never be rich

Thats not what she said O.o


532: "men are from omicron persei 9, women are from omicron persei 7"
533" like everything else pumping is just a primitive, degenerate form of bending


534: The time travelling world came from the God Solar System
545: Popcorn breaking down in a microwave and a Nebula's explosion will result in time travel... and a lot of clocks.
546: It takes less then ten seconds to get to the moon, from earth, in a spaceship.

Dean: "What's myspace? Is it a porn site?"


547. So what if Fry has a little ink The Professor has Thug Life on his back.

Thats not what she said O.o


548. The copy is always doomed!


549. Amy cant parallel park.
550. Discount cards good for life CAN expire.
551. Bender is the greatest.
552. Bender destroys old New York
553. Atlanta will sink


504. Volkswagen vans last over 1000 years
505.Chicken Nuggets of the future will actually be alien babies
506.Hillbillies will still be around, and will have contaminated the rest of the galaxy.

I may be dead... but that does NOT prevent my ablity to LIVE!!


What's this? A can of pringles? Don't mind if I do...

Duh! All religions are equally wrong, especially Christianity! If Noah's ark landed in the middle east, then how did all the polar bears get across the desert to Greenland and all the koala bears get across the ocean to Australia??

Heheh - pringles!

I never actually thought about that about Noah's ark! Wonder how they explain that one! Evolution maybe? :D

*hides from the angry bible and pitchfork-wielding mob*


507. Amy had cuteness reduction surgery here here and here

Thats not what she said O.o



508. Futurama is condemned by the Space Pope.
509. You can't prove the events in Futurama won't happen.

All glory to the hypnotoad.


510. You're entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location, the kind of place where there might be a monster or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples. It could also be something much better. Prepare to enter... The Scary Door.
511. Al Gore is a tenth level vice president.
512. HDTV in the future has better resolution than real life.
513. Unbreakable diamond filament is unbreakable.

You read it,
you can't unread it


514. The universe ends at dog doo 8

Thats not what she said O.o


515. Diverting chronotons is mathematically impossible.

-They may kick our ass, but they'll never kick our freedom!


516.Doctors make alot of money but nobody ever told zoidberg
517.Flexo is the good bender and Bender is the evil Bender
518.Global warming did happen

Thats not what she said O.o


519. you call them toenails... zoidbergs calls them a FEAST! woob woob woob woob woob.
520. wanna make some noise? get your hard drive scratched by the beastie boys. that what-ya what-ya what-ya get on level five.
521. ham gum is great, sans bones.
522. tally me banana!
523. farnsie makes some cool stuff, but unfortunately never finishes them.
524. bread is free in hollywood restaraunts, but maybe only to zoidberg.
525. zoidberg is distantly jewish? oyy...
526. shorts are tasty.


527. You can't mess with anyone who has tenure.
528. Leela has a sloping posture and hairy knuckles
529. A shell can catch on fire underwater

"It's like a party in my mouth, and everyone is throwing up!"


530. Buying enough Futurama DVDs is really what keeps the Futurama universe together
531. Nibbler cannot eat living organisms greater than his own size that are THAT evil

ORANGE for all



532: All glory to Hypnotoad. (obviously)
533: The remaining amount of glory to Hypnotoad.


534: It is not yet possible to walk on sunshine.


535.This box contains are own universe



536. Child stars stop being cute after they have puberty installed.


537. The key to time travel is revealed
538. Time traveling can shatter the universe
589. Poodle-monkey's poop is heavier than stone
590. Scammers will take over Earth
591. Big women like sex
592. There is now a basketball planet
593. Santa likes stealing milk and cookies from starving orphans
594. Robots may rule the world
595. Kif doesn't have bones
596. You can't die if your head gets chopped off
597. There are no pandas in New New York
598. There are nudist aliens that steal famous things from the past

Great, the flying monkeys came and stole my signature. Damn them.


532:The second coming of jesus will destroy vhs
533:monument beach is awesome
534:Killer robots have a set kill limit
535:Valour is snazzy
536:Asians understand yeti
537:Ladybugs are farmable
538:Harlem globetroters are brilliant
539:15 leaf clovers exist


532. Stop and drop is America's favourite suicide booth since 2008.

533. Shinier than yours, meatbag.



doom-proof vests don't protect you from regular bombs.

