MovieChat Forums > Fire Serpent (2007) Discussion > Nice subtle acknowledgement to Emergency...

Nice subtle acknowledgement to Emergency! TV show

I liked the fact, when Dutch (Mantooth) was naming off the places he worked as a firefighter, he mentioned Los Angeles County. A subtle hint to Mantooth's past life.

Emergency! was one of my favorite shows as a kid.

Johnny Gage rules!!


Randolph Mantooth and Emergency! are the best!

I love to see this movie.I hope it would be released in Germany!!!

Station 51-KMG 365


I knew his face from somewhere but I just couldn't remember where.


yea, and there are some other, not really verbal references to the Emergency! show and/or mantooth's role as johnny gage in the show, like, well some of his facial expressions and the tone of his voice that really makes it seem like johnny(what a shame that he died at the end of this movie,but at least they didn't kill him off in the first scene like they did when he guest starred on MacGyver).

and i have also noticed that in most of the stuff he has guest starred in, after the emergency run, is usually fire related. And if you notice in this movie, there are some references to his emergency character, such as Dutch driving a land rover, which is what johnny gage drove,and then this is just kinda what i am thinking(i dont know if this was really meant to be a hidden reference to the show, but i kinda thought of this), the grenade launcher that dutch created, to me, is a reference to the episode Inventions, in the 3rd season of Emergency!, when johnny wants to make a foam bomb, which would be the size of a grenade. think about it, a grenade to put out a fire/kill a fire demon,hmm, seems like a reference to the foam bomb to me, even though it isn't foam, but still the same concept, a bomb/grenade to put out a fire.

but yea, i think i have ranted on long enough, and like i said there are lot of verbal/body, i guess you could say, references to mantooths johnny gage references. and i am sure there are lot more prop type/line type references in this movie that relate to emergency

ok rant is over


You guest starred on MacGyver?
