This movie...

has quite possibly THE best plot synopsis for a movie ever. Period.


you're being sarcastic right?


Well I think it's a cool idea


The movie sounds like it's going to be a good action flick that many could sit and enjoy. Probably not Oscar worthy, but I'm looking forward to it.


It's not a new idea.

Check it out.


they just ripped off Battle Royale stripped it of any emotional elements


i have JUST seen them filmming a couple of shots on Gateshead high street...

couldn't believe it

got robert carlyles autograph

great actor

hope the films as good as he says it will be


'they just ripped off Battle Royale stripped it of any emotional elements'

Except not really : /. Nor is Battle Royale original either. This concepts been floating around for ages, it's just the situations and characters that get shuffled.


Ok they may have done the same kind of story as mean guns but that is crap. They just stay in a bulding and kill each other. And also battle royale is civilians killing each other on a island and they win nothing. The tournament is nothing like them. this is set in london, assassins kill each other and the winner wins £100,000,000 or something like that. The 4 min promo shows amazing gunfights, fights, crashes and wicked stunts.


A few days ago they where in my hometown filming, here's a link on the stuntman who was in Casino Royale chase scene.


cheerz. that looks really kl. can't wait when this comes out.
