Release Date?

Anybody know when this movie somes out? It doesn't have to be a specific date but a month will do nicely. My guess is it will be in February or March, in time for the NCAA tournament to rope in fans.


According to the latest news it's probably going to be June 2006.

(source: scroll down to the 'latest news' section)



Wahoo! Thanks for that!


i wood like to know to.


well, appertenly it wasn't June :(

I have no clue as to when it is going to be release. Some say this fall and some say that it might be pushed back to 2007.

Your #1 source for Ryan Merriman!


Why they just can't hurry up and get it out here is beyond me. . .


I heard that they were going to shoot for late summer...although some sources say that they might shoot for a Labor Day (September 4) release.


That sucks. Our band was a part of the game scenes, so we were really hoping that we could all see the movie together before the graduated seniors have to leave for school.


They can't hurry up because the editors are trying to make a film out of it. When they take this much time, it's usually because the film is so bad they can't figure out a way to take the footage and make anything watchable.


That is a rather pessimistic view. There is really no way to know why it is taking this much time or how good the movie is actually going to be until it comes out.


This is what Ryan said about the release of HOTG:

Ryan and company are still waiting to wrap production on "Home of the Giants". Conflicts in schedules and other glitches have caused some delays in production. The remaining shots involve some exterior shooting and conditions have to be right or recreated to work. We will keep you up on the latest news as it rolls in. "HOTG" will be worth the wait so stay tuned. These delays could push the project to a 2007 release.

Your #1 source for Ryan Merriman!






all i know is its going to be on disney channel.




November 2007!!! Please don't let this be true! I can't wait that long!

Your #1 source for Ryan Merriman!






when and where is the premiere?



sorry, this really has nothing to do wit this post, but i just wanted to ask. TO the person above me, where did you find that quote from Home Of The Giants? you know the one thats on your signature?



After traipsing about the HOTG official website, I managed to procure yet another quote...

"You gotta seize the moment bro."

It's a little vague, but it's something at least.



Those are the only two quotes of HOTG that we know of right now. Both quotes can be found on my site at the "home of the giants" page. And yes Matt is the one who says "You gotta seize the moment bro." Ryan gave those quotes to us, they where in one of his newsletters.

Your #1 source for Ryan Merriman!




Anyone know how long it is going ot take to come out on DVD?

Gavroche is so gorgeous!!!

Gavroche brings out the inner pedophile in everyone.


well it will definetly not take anotehr *beep* year (Nov 2007) will be so done after that..I am thinking most likely LATE decmeber or early nnext way in hell will a movie take that long in post



0MG, i hope so god its taking 4eva ive been waiting like a year or sumfing!


I heard a rumor that it's coming out December 15 of this year.

I sure hope so!

Your #1 source for Ryan Merriman!



It's just a rumor. I don't know if it's true but I heard it and decided to say something. So didn't get mad at me, if it's not true. Please?

No worries!

Your #1 source for Ryan Merriman!


My friend is in this movie. His name is RJ(aka Roosevelt Brown). I will ask him when its releasing at let everyone know.


Sweet Idea. Many, many, thanks moviestar.

The Wicked One.
"Yeah....I'm asking you to go out with me.... Will you go?"- Robert "Gar" Gartland
