I kind of dug . . .

. . . what they were shooting for, which was something with the feel of an extended, communal nightmare--literally a dark, dreamlike sojourn for these characters where they could no longer tell the difference between reality and a dreamworld.

But it ended up feeling too much like just a mishmash, random collection of scenes, with really inconsistent acting, and with the characters repeatedly making decisions that reminded me of that Geico commercial where a quartet in a horror film run to a garage full of axes, saws, etc. instead of a car in which they can escape, as the killer just shakes his head at how stupid they are.

Also, the more abstract guilt stuff was so heavy-handed that I had trouble watching those scenes, and the backstory, including the story of the film's protagonists, which wasn't developed very well in my opinion, didn't mesh with the idea of making the film dreamlike. The backstory seemed more like it should be in a flick with a logical, mystery element to it.

The production design was nice, though, and I liked Dina Meyer's performance.

I gave it a 4/10 overall.
