Wow, another one?

haha, I don't know anyone else that buys these except my friend. I'm surprised they made as many as they did. She's a golden retriever fanatic and owns all the Air Bud DVDs. When's this one coming out? Instant birthday/Christmas/whatever present right here. :P


Don't know when it is actually coming out, but it should be this year from what I've heard. My daughter and I had the priviledge of being extras in one of the crowd scenes and we understood it to be released in 2006


I don't know when it comes out but i've searched for it on Netflix and can't find it so who knows.


itz out on dec 12. it sez so on da trailer


December 12


Yeah, your friend...


I'm kind of suprised at another one too. This is what...the sixth now? Wow. I thought the first 3 were cute, I didn't really like the last 2..and I don't know about this one. It looks like the dogs are going to talk in this one. Huh.
Soooo, I wonder what sport they're playing in this one.
