Sexy Tennis!

I don't know why I'm gonna start this but Sexy Tennis was awesomely funny!!

and What re your measurements? 12, 12, 12


lol, yeah it was hilarious--and I love your sig!

When Conan's happy, I'm happy.


the tennis was the best part, i think.

"it smells like bigfoot's dick!" ;] ;] ;]
if you dont like my opinion, go fck yourself


I've seen these guys live a million times and know several of them. True, the show was very solid and there were some HI-Larious moments, but I wish it had been better. Not a slam to the performers at all, as some are close friends....but this was at about 60% compared to what I've seen over the years. So, just imagine how unbelievable they are at 100!

Frankly, I wish they had just filmed like 5 different shows at the UCB theatre and played the best. Improv is tough enough without trying to make it 'TV friendly' in one shot.


"In my Butt!!"

Hit the ground laughing after that.

Amy Poehler's Thoughts: Suck on it, Ron Burgundy!


Sexy tennis was the best!!! When Tina goes "In my butt!!" was hilarious. i was on the floor cracking up! and u see all the guys gettin' turned on.

"Where is my mother..." :crack:


the "in my butt!" line was hilarious, but i loved it when amy poehler said "say my name!" I don't know why, but i found that line a lot funnier. She's absolutely hilarious.


I found it funny too, except "say my name" is so common, unlike "In my butt!!"

Amy Poehler's Thoughts: Suck on it, Ron Burgundy!


That only part of the skit that I laughed, the rest sucks


They filmed two one-hour shows two consecutive nights for a total of four hours. Matt Besser says they were really nervous on the first night and only used one scene from that night.


I've watched it now abouat a gajillion times and "in my butt" never gets old!!!!

and What re your measurements? 12, 12, 12


I can't help it, but the "In my butt" line was *beep* hot.


I was at the taping and it wasn't two consecutive nights it was just two shows in the same night. The second show almost didn't have many people there because the weather in NY was horrible but they let us all stay for both shows. I can't believe they didn't include more of the debate bits, it was hilarious.


Sexy tennis was funny - I liked Monkey boners as well - especially the bit where Tina covers Amy ears and says "Okay... I didn't want to say this in front of Heather but I am in love with a series of monkeys". The way Tina Fey says that line gets me every time. I love that Amy Poehler really struggled to hold it together at that point as well... very funny!!


Tina Fey is so hot right now!


"I liked Monkey boners as well - especially the bit where Tina covers Amy ears and says "Okay... I didn't want to say this in front of Heather but I am in love with a series of monkeys". The way Tina Fey says that line gets me every time. I love that Amy Poehler really struggled to hold it together at that point as well... very funny!!"

i loved that part too!!
