Someone please help me

Does anyone know the name of the song from the trailer? Here's a link to it ...
I love that song! If anyone knows the name and who performs it, please let me know! Thanks.

X"DoN't TrY tO fIx Me I'm NoT bRoKeN"X


The song is called "O Sacrum Convivium". I don't know about its origins but you can find it from Voice OST (the OST available for download here: you will have to register though. It's free and safe)


from wiki :
"O Sacrum Convivium is a Latin prose text honoring the Blessed Sacrament. It was written by Saint Thomas Aquinas. It was included in the Catholic liturgy as an antiphon on the feast of Corpus Christi. Its sentiments express the profound mystery of the Eucharistic miracle: "O sacred banquet at which Christ is consumed, the memory of his Passion is recalled, our souls are filled with grace, and the pledge of future glory is given to us."
the text:
O sacrum convivium!
in quo Christus sumitur:
recolitur memoria passionis ejus:
mens impletur gratia:
et futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur.


Did you get the song? The message board link that was posted here has been disabled, but I really want a copy of that song! Could you e-mail it to me, please? [email protected]


