heard the joke

heard this in one of the movie reviews on the telly

neal n nikki is the cheapest fantasy film ever made, as it needed no special effects.

the fantasy in the movie is... uday chopra had 21 girls going crazy over him. (correct me on the number of girls).

can the man manage one good chick in real life?


I was laughing at that same point through out the movie...no, he can't

"If there is (a God), all evidence indicates that He hates me." - Matt Groening


Lol! No he definitely can't!


There is something really, really GAY about him.


Mebbe its his short but wide body..or his accent..or his hair..?



lol..mebbe candygirl..mebbe..



we shouldn't really judge him...

"Do it without the attitude or don't do it at all." - Homer Simpson


he is not a good actor, he looks dumb...but i liked da movie...no sati-savitri girls...act your age people-they seem to forget tht in bollywood


I loved this movie. Tanisha is adorable. Her personality in the movie was so cute.
Did you guys know Uday and Tanisha are seeing each other ever since and are thinking of marriage?? How cute.. they made a good couple in that movie..

The only think remotely gay about his is that all his features are flawless, perfect skin, eyes, hair, lips, smile etc... Not that i find him remotely attractive.. :P

