MovieChat Forums > The Flight That Fought Back (2005) Discussion > Using a recent national tragedy as a com...

Using a recent national tragedy as a commodity....

I'm sorry, but this does not count as historical account..this is pure 'button pushing ratings whoring' by the studios.

The producers should be ashamed of themselves!




Commodity....hmmm. I don't think so, Jim. Maybe you are Jim or maybe you are not. If this is not your name then it stands to be false as your name 'commodity' for this spectacular piece of work.
Did you watch 'Flight'? In it's entirety? No, really?!??!!!?
This is how big a 'commodity' it is NOT:
(I worked on this project and speak from experiences I had with the producers you have mentioned)
First and foremost you should do some research to find where, an unprecidented, 100% of profits from all DVD sales is being used to help fund the national memorial for the passengers and their families of Flight 93.......not enough? Okay...
Notice how most of all the docudrama was driven in a positive direction to shed light on most of the passengers that did not receive the grand publicity of the few that were media's front runners as heroes. I am sure there were several passengers, you, as an expert in ratings, knew of that made those ratings soar... I believe the project was craftily done to provide viewpoints from the best sources and two and a half years of research could produce. Personal experience saw every detail questioned and recounted so no offense would be taken to untrue or fabricated happenings... Appropriately done to give a great remembrance to the families and friends of the 9/11 tragedy...not to speculate and put forth ideas about what happened aboard the flight.
Maybe I was confused while on set, but I do not remember being hired by a studio to work on this picture. Hmmmm...still not remembering that one....nope!
I do remember the producers holding the release of information about this project until the last possible place in time it could put the word out for it to be viewed by over seven million households in its first play on September 11, 2005...oh yeah, it also aired in theatres across the nation as a limited engagement, but you probably did not know about that either. Used as a commodity so much the producers and director along with the cast were not formally invited to its premier in the was for family and friends...a commodity as a wonderful depiction for ones to watch for many years following my waste of time to someone so small-minded as up and njoy your life and try not to take away from others while doing so.
Hey, Jim! The new projects about Flight 93 and other 9/11 accounts were only made public after the release of the word on this one. Aren't you proud-these are the studio films you might have been referring to, but they have not been completed nor released yet, so NOPE!!!
I don't think so, JIM!!!
If you need love, ask a turtle. It may show it to you slowly enough for you to understand.




I thought it was a very good movie it really moved me and made me think of what the people on Flight 93 went through and what they sacrificed to save many others. God Bless


I saw this program, recorded on my DVR and I viewed it recently. I believe this was the best documentary I've seen about the events of Flight 93. I noticed several points where the narration informed viewers that the situations depicted were the best "re-creation" of events based on the information available. The interviews with family members were especially informative and heart-breaking. Anyone associated with the production of this piece should be proud because it depicts the actions of some ordinary Americans reacting heroically to an extrodinary situation. Even though we all know what happened, right up to the end I kept hoping the passengers would succeed and land the plane safely, a happy ending like all of those hollywood movies. Good program, very tastefully presented.


I think it's good that this documentary was made. I'm telling you right now that without this documentary a lot of people wouldn't know about flight 93. What I am about to tell you is true: my roomate thought that because the title was "The Flight that Fought Back" it meant that they successfully regained control of the plane. That's right, he thought that it landed safely. Also, after I told him that it crashed, he stopped watching it because he didn't "want to watch a program about people dying."



OK. What was great about this show was the glory of the human spirit. I hope that if I'm faced with the same choice, I have a bunch of brave folks around me at the same time, and I have the courage to join them.
