MovieChat Forums > First Born (2007) Discussion > Will this movie wig me out?

Will this movie wig me out?

I am a big chicken when it comes to weird movies. I can't watch horror movies at all(not even previews). I chock that up to my extrememly phographic memory. I love things like The Butterfly Effect, Identity (only during the day), Kiss the Girls, etc. Serial Killer movies, like Monster or Gacy, I can only watch depending on the kind of mood I am in (sometimes they freak me out). I have seen the previews for First Born and Elizabeth Shue looks like psycho. I love her and am having a difficult time seeing her in that creepy role. However, even though creepy movies freak me out, I am so intrigued. So, will this movie wig me out? Is it graphic? Is it eerie? Thanks!


It's not graphic at all but it might indeed wig you out, espcecially if you are scared of things like mental illness.


Thanks. I am not really scared of mental illness because I work in psych hospital...I am just scared of people that look crazy...with that creepy, crazy look in their eyes. that wigs me out. LOL Maybe I'll watch it with my hand over my eyes...ha ha!
