MovieChat Forums > First Born (2007) Discussion > MORE Things I Learned...

MORE Things I Learned...

1. It's okay to pick up dirty old dolls ppl leave on the subway. {She put it in her purse, it didn't just appear there as one post said. If it had appeared in her bag later, that would have been addressed in the story line to precourse the thriller plot.
2. If you dye your blonde hair to cover gray and leave it in too long so it's fried and falls out, you can cut it real short, but don't forget dark roots will appear within the next week.
3. A doctor will blow off Postpartum Depression that requires therapy, but will prescribe strong psychicatric drugs instead. He doesn't care that you're breast feeding.
4. Some husbands will not tell their wives an important affair is black tie.
5. If you wake up to the sound of broken glass & it's your imagination, the police who respond to the B&E will not suggest to your husband that you need help right away and they will NOT notify Child Protective Services to contact you.
