MovieChat Forums > First Born (2007) Discussion > The Husband and Doctors Needed an ass ki...

The Husband and Doctors Needed an ass kicking... SPOLIERS

I saw this movie last night, and I hated it! It was obvious that she was suffering from Postpartum Depression, psychosis, what have you... And the fact she had zero help from her husband, her doctor didn't listen when she complained of anxiety... Well what the hell? Being a new mom myself, seeing her leave her baby in the car, shake her in the crib, and bury her alive just made me sick. One more question, why didn't the husband throw the damn doll away when he 'saved' it from the bottom of the pool? Why drag that nasty thing back in the house? This movie had to many loose ends, Jenny, the diary, the doll from the subway... Pretty much a waste of time. What did freak me out, I mentioned to my husband pretty early on that they didn't call the baby by name. Well just so happens Jessica is my name... Weird.


Whatever, give him a break. That wife was a selfish bitch.


What year was the movie supposely set in? Doctors don't reconize symptoms or whatever unless you point it out to them. You need to tell them every symptom you have and then tell "them" what diesaes and conditions match and then they agree or not agree.

Yeah right.. like the husband would know she was depressed or whatever, suffering from anxiety. Name one male that would notice anything wrong with someone. lmao..


LMAO! Way to stereotype.

No wonder men don't like you.


No wonder men don't like you. >>>

ROTFLMFAO.. No I think that would be because they can't win and I don't let them dick-tate and be controlling. The reason you are single!!



This is some entertaining stuff! Thanks!


she's right. You're the male freakshow here. Go away and watch your macho movies instead.

This WAS a stupid movie. A complete insult to anyone intelligent. I hated it too, but watched and laughed the whole time! It's entertainment. You need to get a life.


What's obvious to us isn't lways obvious to everyone else. From the husband's pov she was having trouble sleeping and not making any sense. This could be a hundred different disorders. She was never open about what was bothering her, her only opening up slightly to the nanny. Saying that any woman who acts strangely after giving birth has postpartum depression would be equivalent to saying any person who sneezes has pneumonia.


" Saying that any woman who acts strangely after giving birth has postpartum depression would be equivalent to saying any person who sneezes has pneumonia."

But if someone sneezes that gets attention and if it goes on - normal people tell you to have a check up at the doctor's. In this case strange behaviour didn't alarm this idiot of a husband at all? Even as he knew she had problems with the scar infection and was alone at the big scary house all day long? Even if he knew she has to be up and awake most of the time to take care of the baby? And what did the ****head do - made her go to his oh so important upper class party, because that's what matters to him.
I'm sure if she was sane, she'd kick his butt out of her life.
Oh yeah, and the scary nurse at the hospital? A real nurse would never quatsch about starving children to death to a new mother. What an idiot could do this?



The woman is a stupid bitch. Too needy.
