MovieChat Forums > First Born (2007) Discussion > **Spoilers** People trashing this movie ...

**Spoilers** People trashing this movie are just pressing sour grapes!

** Spoilers ahead, if you haven't seen the film, go away now! **

People who don't like the ending are folks that are too used to horror movies in the vein of Secret Window and Hide and Seek and seem to like and/or expect that type of ending. This is a *PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER*, not a straight horror flick, or witchcraft or anything else. The chick is bonkers and it is a descent into her madness - nothing else, and that is a good thing.

People who are mad or disappointed about the ending are folks who wanted it to be something supernatural, which it is NOT. What is wrong with that? I like the fact that it was something different that what we have seen a LOT of in the last few years. Accept it for what it is and it's a lot of fun.

Shue gives a very nuanced performance, and people whining about her whining are whiners. She is going INSANE; some whining goes with the territory folks.

This movie is a glimpse into the mind, and *out* of the mind of someone losing their mind. It avoids a lot of the older cliché elements like wavy, dizzy camera moves, echo voices, blurry POV shots and so forth. Instead it shows how it must FEEL to go bonkers - in that respect it was enormously successful.

Think about how YOU might portray someone losing their mind from THEIR point-of-view, and then ask yourself if it was a good movie. I think if you accept it from that standpoint you will appreciate the picture much more.

**Spoilers ahead about the movie Danika - don't read if you haven't seen Danika!**

In my opinion it is much more successful than the other "losing your mind" picture Danika, which plays it fast and loose with the audience, and in my opinion cheats in that regard.

This is a good movie, if you accept it for what it is... a slow, sad and frightening descent into madness.



SHE can see the words, but no one else can, which is common for people going "insane". She sees and hears things that aren't there, what is such a "mind fu ck" about that?

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


I agree about the things that were not explained, such as the "witch" nanny, and why she put the "charm bag" under the crib. I really don't regret watching it, although yes, it could have been better (not any longer, though).


What is so hard to understand about the "witch nanny", it was a kind woman who believed in old "gypsy" legends. She put a charm under the bed to protect the baby, there is nothing complicated about it.

Why do so many people have to have every element tied up for them? It's like if every scene isn't logical to them, then the picture fails.

Try watching a movie like Possession (1981), by Andrzej Zulawski, THEN you'll get a glimpse into a film that the filmmaker has NO INTENTION of "wrapping up" for you. There are MANY things in that film that are never explained... in fact the FILMMAKER doesn't even know what some of them mean.

Learn to ENJOY a movie for the EXPERIENCE, learn to just "BE" in the moment, and don't expect the universe to always come along side and explain every, little, tiny, part of the experience.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Yes, I think people who whine & complain about "wasting 2 hours" or whatever on a movie should lighten up. If they can't or won't learn to enjoy it, they shouldn't bother with it. LOL, "the universe" is made up of billions & billions of different opinions; I can just imagine how many different explanations you would get. This one I didn't love or hate; it was O.K. BTW, I did like Danika (I may have already said that when Danika was brought up, but I may have forgotten). That's another one that "wasted" so many individuals' time, as they said. I really liked Marisa Tomei in that one! :)


Well, don't get me wrong, I liked Tomei in Danika, and frankly I liked Danika, but I just felt it cheated. Now, did it waste two hours of my life? No. I watch so many movies, and even ones that suck, I get something out of them.

Practically every one of the movies on IMDB has a thread called "This movie sucks", or "Worst movie ever", blah, blah, blah. They only do it because they're lonely, or nobody in the real world gives a rat's azz what they say.

The only thing that "wastes" my time... is me.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Still a piece of crap. And you understood it because you're a lonley person that sits inside watching stupid crappy movies. Enjoy


You do know that insults from a person who can't even spell "lonely" mean nothing to me, right? And no, I understood it because I have an IQ higher than the top speed of a tortoise.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


And yet you are still a LONLEY (ON PURPOSE) piece of shyte for responding to a comment 3 years later. So your IQ IS THAT OF A JACKASS.


I agree with alot of what you said. But just because its a psychological thriller and not a horror movie dosent mean you cant cheat viewers by making a movie which only has a few intresting and intriguing plot developments and then they have absolutley nothing to do with the story. From the fact that there was someone on the cover that wasnt even in the movie to all the technical errors and holes in the plot I feel like i was tricked into wasting two hours of my life.


Well, each person is entitled to their own opinion, and I certainly can see how you might have felt that you were "cheated", but I guess I enjoyed the performance of Shue's so much that I overlooked all that. Plus, I'm getting tired of the Secret Window/Hide and Seek ending that has become so popular now.

But, as I said, I can see your point. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


This isn't the worst movie I've ever seen. It isn't the best either, for sure.

I didn't mind the plot. The movie had a certain darkness to it that I thought was a little creepy. The house, the pool, the yard. Not too bad. Like I said, the plot was okay. The woman was suffering from mental illness, nothing more. I was thinking it was taking the Rosemary's Baby route at first. Then that made me instantly think the opposite because nobody would follow that route. So by following the route of a famous movie (but switching the plot) the movie actually gives itself away.

What I hate about movies like these are when the movie maker cheats. For instance, the basement door locking. How many houses actually have doors like this that can lock? That was the dumbest part of the movie imo. If it was a locking door it probably would have been a privacy lock and you can unlock those with a sharp fingernail. Plus I would kick a door down before spending an entire day in a basement. Especially with a child in the house. Either way, that woman should have gotten out of the basement.

Plus the husband should have noticed she was having severe problems and started staying home for a couple weeks or something. I don't care how important a job is it is hard to leave a mentally ill woman alone with a newborn deep into the night.

The baby doll reminded me of Roman Polanski's "Repulsion." In that movie a mentally ill woman keeps seeing a dead rabbit and it's a constant reminder of her struggle. Same with the doll here. So actually I noticed two Roman Polanki references in this movie if you count the Rosemary's Baby reference.

I don't know why I've wasted this much time on this movie. It's okay. Not great for sure. But there are worse movies too.


Just wanted to bump this and applaud you for getting it. People have some really stupid reasons for trashing this movie.


I agree. It seems people are just not willing to 'join the dots' themselves. A fantastic movie.


What a fool - psy-thriller ho hum - I don't think so!


Commentary from a guy who calls himself "WackOffMichaelJackson"... scary.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
